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Eloho Pov
"Yes he was how can someone be so joyous? It's quite admirable" Kate said looking at her phone
"I honestly don't know" I said looking up and was instantly met with eyes of the most sexiest man I have ever seen. (I gotta calm down)
"Eloho!!?!?"Kate semi yelled
"Huh?" I said turning my attention back to Kate
"I said the coffee and muffins are here we can leave if you want" Kate said
"Oh yea sorry got kinda distracted" I said picking up my frappe and muffins
"I bet" Kate said smirking at me and looking at Mr. Hunk
"Bet what?" I said playing dumb
"Oh come on elo you were damn near drooling over the guy" Kate said
"Was it that noticeable?" I asked feeling embarrassment flush over me
"Not really but he noticed and so did I" Kate said
"Meh he's out of my league anyways" i said shrugging
"Don't say that you are extremely beautiful inside and out let's just pay for these and leave" Kate said
"Yea" i said following Kate to the counter
"Hey can we please pay for these I forgot to tell you to go" Kate said to the cashier that was the waitress and pointed to our bags
"Oh that won't be necessary Mr. Luis cleared your bill" the cashier said smiling
"Whose that?" Kate and I asked in unison which caused us to chuckle a bit
"He just left or else I would've showed you who it was" the cashier said disappointingly
"Its ok it's not your fault thank you for your wonderful customer service definitely coming back!" I said to the cashier with a wide smile and gave him a tip of $20
"Thank you so much! God bless enjoy the rest of y'alls Sunday and hopefully I get to see ya'll around the campus" he said smiling
"What's your name?"I asked curiously
"Rashad but you can call me Rj for short" RJ said smiling
"Ok awesome nice to meet up RJ I'm Eloho and that's my roomy/friend Kate" I said smiling
"Nice to meet you guys, wish I could stay and chat but I gotta keep on working if you don't mind" Rj said sadly
"It's ok don't let us hold you back great meeting you Rj see you around" I replied back smiling
"Yea see you around hunneh!" Kate replied with so much energy
"See ya!" Rj said matching Kate's energy
Kate and I made our way out of the cafe just to be met with the cool breeze which reminded that I took my jacket off so I was pretty much freezing. As I was about to turn around to go back in the cafe I was met with the same wonderful sculpture made by God.
"Sorry about that I was just returning your jacket you left it in the cafe" Mr. Unknown replied
"O-oh th-thanks" I replied with my teeth chattering again
"No problem at all you look really cold" he said putting the jacket over me
"Yes indeed I was thank you very much mr?" I asked waiting for his name
"Luis but you can call me Mario" he said smiling
"Oh your the Mr. Nice guy! That paid off me and my friends bill that was really generous of you!" I said not holding back my enthusiasm
"I've been caught" Mario replied playfully surrendering
"Why'd you do it?" I asked
"I don't know honestly just a kind gesture of mine" he said cause me to smile
"Well that was very kind of you Mario" I replied back generously
"No problem miss??"
"Eloho, Eloho Jones" I replied back confidently
"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman" Mario replied licking his lips
°First of all that was sexy and you're really messing with me at the moment Mr. Mario°
"Thank you Mario" I said blushing
"I wish I could continue this conversation but I know my friends waiting for me" I said looking at Kate from a far cheesing
"Oh yes of course nice meeting you Mrs. Eloho hopefully I get to see you around again?" Mario asked hopefully
"Yes of course anytime" i said smiling
"Ok awesome would you mind giving me your number?" Mario asked taking out his phone
"No not at all" I said taking is phone while typing in my phone number and saving it as 'Eloho🦈'
"Why the shark?" Mario asked chuckling a bit
"I think sharks are cool" I said shyly
"Yea until they want you for a snack" mario said smiling
"Haha very funny but I'll be going now nice meeting you Mario and thanks again for the kind gesture" I said smiling
"I could be a comedian no? But same to you Elohi see you around beautiful" Mario said smirking
"Bye" I said blushing and sending him a small wave
"Adios mi amor" mario said grabbing my hand and planting a small kiss on it
I then walked away with the biggest smile on my face slowly making my way to a screaming Kate
"OH MY GOSH HE KISSED YOUR HAND" Kate said whisper yelling
"Yes he did" I said looking back to a Mario still staring at me
"And I got his number too" I said biting my lip
"Ouuuuuu I can already imagine the babies!!!!" Kate said excitedly

♧oop first chapter hope you guys enjoyed hehe!♧ -Carib motion

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