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Jinyoung was sat on the couch after following Jackson to the living room to watch television. They decided to move their cuddling to a different room so they could stay glued to each other and entertained at the same time. Jackson regretfully parted from Jinyoung to take care of some laundry he had running, though the younger didn't care since he knew they'd be pressed against one another again soon.

Jackson walked through the living room a few times, passing by Jinyoung to retrieve different items from different parts of the house. "Are you staying over?" He asked as he passed by.

Jinyoung turned, watching Jackson disappear into the kitchen. "Um... do you want me to?"

"I mean, I don't really care. It's whatever you wanna do." Jackson stated, reappearing with a sponge in his hand; he must've made a mess or something. He stood behind the couch, stopping just to speak for a moment. "But... I'm just saying, I slept over at your place for a night, so it's only fair that I repay you at some point..."

"Jackson if you want me to sleep over then I will. I just... don't have anything prepared..." Jinyoung replied, deep down honestly not wanting to leave himself.

Jackson grinned, immediately trying to accommodate for Jinyoung's lack of belongings at his place. "Uh, well I have extra toothbrushes, and towels and... you could wear all of my clothes... I think you'd look cute."

"You look cute in mine so I'm sure yours will look fine on me." Jinyoung assured, this being a rare time that he actually was the one who made Jackson blush rather than the other way around.

"Great." Jackson nodded, gazing dreamily at Jinyoung before blinking out of his trance. "Um, I'm low on food so I'll order dinner."

"Okay, do you mind if I shower before eating?" Jinyoung asked, not mentioning that he only wanted to shower so he could get into Jackson's clothing faster.

Jackson nodded as he rushed off to order some food, forgetting what he was initially doing with that sponge still in hand. "You can do whatever you want, I don't care."

Jinyoung watched him disappear again and he rose from the couch headed in the opposite direction. He walked into the bathroom, taking the time he had by himself to fanboy over his new boyfriend. He felt so happy yet nervous at the same time. Never had Jinyoung thought that Jackson would finally become his and only his, but now they were a couple, and they were sleeping over at each other's houses; it was too good to be true.

Jinyoung was too busy thinking about Jackson as he undressed to realize that he should've asked how to work the shower before getting in. He tried turning the knob, yet received nothing from the shower head. It was one of those dreaded moments at sleepovers where you're already naked and can't figure out how to turn on the faucet, so you have to call your friend for help. Except Jinyoung was naked at his boyfriend's house whose never seen him naked before, and now he needed to call Jackson for help.

He paced back and forth for a few minutes, gathering the courage to call for the other. He felt bad interrupting Jackson while he was busy doing whatever he was doing, but it was better than sitting there for half an hour trying to turn on the shower. "Um Jackson?"

"Yes?" Jackson immediately responded, his voice coming from somewhere closer than Jinyoung had expected.

"Your shower is confusing me." Jinyoung mumbled, still trying to fidget with the handle to hopefully get it started without Jackson's help.

"Okay give me a sec." Jackson replied.

Jinyoung let out a breath, thanking the universe for making him get undressed in the bathroom rather than outside of it so he could still put his clothes back on. He picked up his pants, just getting a foot in when the door knob was suddenly turning. Jinyoung gasped, his head whipping around at the door that way slowly opening.

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