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"See? No attack." Jinyoung said between heavy breaths as Jackson rested on top of him, their sweaty bodies pressed together in naked bliss.

"You're still panting hard." Jackson pointed out, the younger's chest heaving even though it'd been a few minutes since their shared climaxes.

"Because you just fucked me, what am I supposed to do?" Jinyoung asked.

Jackson hummed, a sly grin spreading across his lips."Hearing you say that makes me wanna do it again~"

"No please, not yet." Jinyoung quickly denied. Despite his resolve to not let his asthma stop him from doing what he wanted to do, he still took at least the slightest precautions to give his body a break when needed.

Jackson chuckled, peppering appreciative kisses across Jinyoung's chest and neck. "I'm not going to. You need to catch your breath. Take a minute to breathe. You need water?"

"Um... I'm okay. But yeah, water sounds nice." Jinyoung replied, the hesitation only coming from his habit of denying anything offered to him. But this was Jackson, someone who spent weeks offering himself to Jinyoung with little acceptance rate. The least he could do was accept a glass of water.

Jackson kissed his forehead, climbing out of bed to head into the kitchen. "I'll be right back."

Jinyoung shamelessly watched Jackson leave since the elder neglected to dress himself, grinning as soon as he was out of sight. He was whipped. Totally whipped. His heart fluttered thinking about his boyfriend that was just in the other room. Just being in Jackson's house under Jackson's covers, laying his head in Jackson's pillow with the natural musk of Jackson in his nose made Jinyoung giddy like a little kid.

Jackson soon returned, catching a glimpse of the smile that had worked onto Jinyoung's face. He smiled in return, holding up the water he promised in his hand.

"Here babe, cold water." Jackson stated as he handed the glass over to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung smiled wider at being called 'babe'. He didn't mention it, but that name sounded nice. "Thank you."

"No problem." Jackson laid back down under the sheets with Jinyoung, after a few moments of listening to him swig his drink, nudging the younger's leg. "Hurry up so we can cuddle."

"Give me a sec." Jinyoung chuckled as he drank a bit more, only to be poked and squeezed by Jackson the longer he took to finish.

"Hurry up~" Jackson whined.

Jinyoung almost choked on his water from laughing, deciding to just give up on drinking any more and give Jackson what he wanted."Okay, okay."

He hunkered down into the covers with Jackson, hugging the elder who hugged him back and found a comfortable position to cuddle in. Jinyoung loved the feeling of Jackson pressed against him, their bare bodies rubbing together in a non sexual way, but just because they like feeling one another. It felt really nice. Jackson was really nice. All of it was just really nice.

"Jinyoung." Jackson called lazily after a few minutes of nothing but peaceful silence. Jinyoung hummed in response, his reply equally lazy. Jackson let out a content sigh, his hand beginning to draw circles on Jinyoung's back. "I'm thinking about your moans."

Jinyoung's breath hitched, his immediate reaction being to hit Jackson's arm. "Stop~"

Jackson chuckled, slobbering wet kisses along Jinyoung's cheek. "I'm just kidding~ Well, sort of. I was thinking about your moans for a second, but I was initially thinking about how the last few months have been really good. Because of you. I couldn't ask for a better time to have you in my life."

That meant a lot in more ways than one. Jinyoung knew it meant a lot, considering how seriously Jackson's said it. He felt his heart swell, his only desire being to smother the man in his arms with as much care and affection as he could. "I've been really happy recently too, because of you. I'm really glad you never gave up on me. Thank you."

Jackson huffed, a cute pout forming on those kissable lips. "Didn't I tell you you don't have to thank me?"

"I want to." Jinyoung urged pulling back to gaze into those beautiful eyes opposite him. "I may have had an awkward way of showing it, but I really like you and care about you, and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life now. I nearly cried when you hadn't shown up at my door in the mornings, and I felt lonely when you weren't at school and I had to go home alone. I've gotten so used to you're presence, I don't think I can live without you-"

Jinyoung sighed into the soft kiss that Jackson placed upon his lips, actually glad that this time he was interrupted since he didn't know what he was rambling on and on about. It was hard to explain an unexplainable feeling of admiration and appreciation for someone else, and Jinyoung had always been trying to find a way to tell Jackson exactly how much he meant in words. Maybe that was the problem though. Maybe words just weren't enough.

So Jinyoung just decided to kiss Jackson harder, hoping that all of his feelings would be transferred into him that way. Maybe it'd be enough, or maybe it wouldn't. He didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care all too much. Not at the moment at least, with Jackson's thumb slowly caressing his jaw as their lips moved gently together.

Jackson was the one to pull away, gazing at Jinyoung with a genuine look of happiness on his face. "It's a bit too early for love confessions, isn't it?"

"I-It wasn't a love confession! I was just saying..." Jinyoung stuttered, blushing at the mention of the word 'love' that felt weirdly right and wrong at the same time. He had no idea what he was trying to say anymore, it felt like he was speaking gibberish at this point. "I guess I'm saying I feel myself falling in love with you. So... I wanted you to know that... in case one day I do really say it, you'll be prepared..."

Jackson let out a dreamy sigh, his hands still carefully holding Jinyoung's face. He showed that blinding bright smile again, and Jinyoung knew he'd finally said something right. "Well, then you should know that I feel the same. So one day when I say it, don't be surprised."

Jinyoung chuckled, burying his face into Jackson's neck that he kissed endlessly. He's become a real sap lately, wanting to kiss and hug Jackson every chance he could. And now that he could, he wasn't going to hold back. He finally knew how Jackson felt. Being there for someone did feel nice. It made him feel worth something. Having Jackson lean on him and trust him and doing the same back was a wonderful balance, and Jinyoung wouldn't change it for anything.

It's a bit funny how in the moments where it was hardest to breathe, Jackson was always there, ready to supply Jinyoung with his much needed oxygen, and a little bit more that he didn't even realize he wanted. He hoped to do the same one day; to save Jackson from something that could take his life just to repay him for all of the kind deeds he's done.

Jinyoung failed to realize though that he already has, and Jackson was just as grateful in return.


(*awwwwwwweeeeeeee Uwu <3 and the gif I can't, Jinyoung literally has heart eyes ugh wang gae park gae ftw. Decided to double update today since its the end lol*)

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