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They arrived at Jackson's home which was much nicer than Jinyoung had expected. It was a one story brick house with a front lawn, small backyard, and pretty flowers growing in the flower beds that decorated the surrounding areas. Jinyoung could tell that Jackson kept up the yard work himself since the grass seemed to be freshly cut and the flowers are vibrant and healthy as can be.

He got out of the car in awe as he gazed at the home. "You have an actual house...."

Jackson shrugged, seeming indifferent about it. "Well I rent the house. And technically my parents help me rent half, I pay the other half. Trust me, this is tiny compared to other houses."

"Must be nice..." Jinyoung mumbled as he followed Jackson inside, a bit jealous of the nice dream home the other lived in.

"It's okay. It can get lonely here." Jackson replied honestly, closing the door behind Jinyoung. He looked over at the younger with a smile growing on his face, a hand gently caressing his cheek. "Not now though, now that you're here. Let me give you the grand tour!"

He grabbed Jinyoung's hand and tugged him all around, showing him the bathroom and kitchen and other random rooms used for laundry or storage. It was all wooden floors except the bathroom which was decorated with tiles, and the place was decorated cleanly. It felt homey in there, Jinyoung liked the vibe he got from the place. The tour ended in Jackson's bedroom, a nice sized space with some exercise equipment in the corner (explaining Jackson's wondrous physique) and some plain dark wood dressers and nightstands tables.

Jinyoung's eyes were drawn to the bed, slowly making his way over to the impressive sized mattress. "You have a big bed..."

"Yeah, kinda reminds me of how single I am." Jackson muttered. He and Jinyoung quickly locked eyes after he said that, and Jackson immediately backtracked. "Um, I mean, when I sleep in it alone, there's a lot of space to fill..."

Jinyoung couldn't blame Jackson for feeling that way since he himself shared the same feeling of loneliness in his own bed. And it's not like Jackson could say he weren't single anymore since him and Jinyoung hadn't discussed their relationship status yet. Unless they changed that.

Jinyoung quietly stepped around the bed, his fingers dragging along the soft comforter covering it. Jackson watched him slowly lay down on it, spreading his body out across the expansive surface. Jinyoung spent a moment relishing in the comfortable feeling of laying in such a large soft bed before his gaze landed on Jackson. He lifted his arms, spreading them open towards the other.

"Come on." He beckoned.

Jackson blinked a few times before registering what Jinyoung wanted. He then grinned, climbing onto his bed and crawling over Jinyoung just to lay on top of him, cuddling up into his chest. Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Jackson, squeezing him close.

Laying there together felt nice. It felt really nice. Jinyoung honestly wanted nothing more than this for the rest of the day.

"I don't want you to feel lonely anymore. And I don't want you to be single." Jinyoung mumbled into Jackson hair, his heart pounding fast as he chose his next words carefully.

Jackson lifted his face from Jinyoung's chest, his brows raised in question of the statement. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you have a boyfriend, so you should call me whenever you want this bed filled." Jinyoung replied, anxiously looking between the wall and Jackson as silence settled between them.

Jackson's eyes lit up, the brightest smile spreading onto his face as he visibly filled with glee. He pressed a long kiss to Jinyoung's lips, his own arms snaking under the younger's body so he could hold him close.

"Having a boyfriend feels nice." Jackson replied as he buried his face into Jinyoung's neck. "You've just made me the happiest I've ever been, Jinyoung."


(*another tiny uwu chapter lol, I told y'all it would just be fluffy from here on (with hints of smutty), please prepare yourself for the tooth rotting sweetness.*)

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