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It was much later when Jinyoung and Jackson came stumbling into Jinyoung's apartment, lips locked together in a desperate attempt to taste more of one another.

They went back into the party like they said they would, dancing and talking and enjoying their night, but at some point the both of them couldn't stand the heated tension that was building up over time; their unspoken wants and desires had to be suppressed to keep themselves from leaping at one another like starved lions. So they ended up leaving early, hopping in Jackson's car and driving straight to Jinyoung's place just to make out in the privacy of his living room.

Jinyoung barely got his door open before Jackson was filling his arms again, barely getting it shut behind him for the same reason. It was all so dizzyingly fast, so good, Jinyoung only slightly remembers being pushed against the wall first, then his jacket was torn off and he was being pushed to the couch. Hands touched him everywhere except for the more sensitive places, Jackson still being polite enough to stray away from there even when kissing Jinyoung hard and sloppily.

They were now stretched out against the couch, Jackson on top of Jinyoung, arms full of each other, hands in hair and sneaky touches trespassing under one another's shirts. It was all so overwhelming, so deliciously addictive and mind boggling, too much to handle yet not enough at the same time. Jinyoung somehow changed. He had no idea Jackson could bring this side of him out; he felt different, more confident, unhesitant. He'd tug Jackson closer when he wanted him closer, and pulled his hair strands just to hear him groan. He'd slip his hands under Jackson's shirt just to feel those abs, and moan at everything Jackson did in return. It wasn't like him to be so wild and hungry, but he wanted Jackson more than anything and refused to miss his chance.

It was so weirdly freeing just to kiss this man. Jinyoung couldn't think about anything else besides how much more of Jackson he wanted, literally nothing else was in his mind until Jackson pulled away from the panting younger that he noticed definitely needed a minute to literally catch his breath.

"You okay?" Jackson mumbled against his lips.

"Never been better." Jinyoung replied, tugging him down again to kiss him.

Jackson pulled back, not allowing their lips to meet just yet. "You're breathing hard."

"Because of you." Jinyoung mumbled, the lust speaking for him since his usual response definitely wouldn't be so upfront.

"I don't know whether to call you corny or sweet." Jackson stated with a chuckle, pressing their foreheads together as soft puffs of air left his mouth.

"You leave me breathless. Around you I don't think air exists." Jinyoung stated, grinning at his own poetic sentence that could make him cringe in an instant.

"Oh my god, definitely corny." Jackson groaned, his glittery eyes raking over Jinyoung's features while a hand brushed stray strands of hair out of his face. "I can't move away though. I'll give you your inhaler as long as I can keep this closeness."

Jinyoung chuckled. His damn inhaler. He'd completely forgotten about it. The last thing he wanted was that thing. Not now when he just needed more of Jackson to breathe properly. "My inhaler is in my coat you stripped off of me at the door. You'd have to move away to go get it."

Jackson looked back towards the entrance, realizing how far he'd have to move to go get Jinyoung's inhaler. "...damn."

Jinyoung chuckled again, leaning up to press another kiss to those perfect pair of lips. "It's okay, I don't need it."

"You sure?" Jackson asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of lust and wavering concern.

"It would ruin the mood." Jinyoung stated.

Jackson shook his head. "You wheezing and gasping for air would ruin the mood too."

Jinyoung scoffed, wrapping his arms around Jackson's neck and pulling him closer. "Well I'm fine. Stop worrying and kiss me so I don't have to think about it."

Jackson's brows rose in a bit of surprise from Jinyoung's response, the corners of his lips curling up.

"I like this side of you. So direct and demanding. Yes sir." He purred before pressing their lips together again.


(*Short lil cute uwu chapter of them getting it on in Jinyoung's house lol. I could update twice today to make up for the short chapter but idk depends on my mood*)

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