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Jinyoung clutched his bag to his chest as he took a seat in the bright red top-down convertible. He felt a bit weird getting into someone's car that he just met, and his mind immediately flashed back to the dozens of crime shows that covered cases on abducted people. He realized a bit too late that he was making the same mistake that tons of people have made before: trusting a stranger. Yet he still felt that the stranger he was trusting was pretty harmless, and the guy more or less saved his life, so the least he could do was allow him to drive them to school together.

Jackson was his name, Jinyoung learned. The guy talked quite a lot, so Jinyoung also ended up learning that they were around the same age, the car was given to him from his dad, and that he has an immense love for cheese. Jinyoung's ear were nearly talked off, though it felt even worse when Jackson started asking him a bunch of pointless questions that Jinyoung more or less bullshitted answers for. He just wanted to get to school, and he was incredibly relieved when they finally pulled up in the parking lot of the university.

"Here we are, you need help getting to class?" Jackson asked, seeming ready to assist Jinyoung at the drop of a hat.

Jinyoung quickly shook his head, already reaching for the car door handle. "No, I'm okay, thank you so much though."

Jinyoung only got one foot on the ground before Jackson was gripping his shoulder. He tensed at the sudden touch, his head whipping back around to face Jackson. "Hey, just be careful, okay? Don't run and stay away from smoking areas."

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Jeez you sound like my mom..."

"I'm your school mom then, I need to take care of my asthmatic son." Jackson said, a small smile climbing onto his face.

"Okay mom, see you around." Jinyoung said with a chuckle, playing along with the joke, though he was sure this was probably the first and last time he'd ever see Jackson. He stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, wait." He heard Jackson call from behind him. Jinyoung turned, his brows raised at the man. "Um... do you want a ride home too after class? I don't mind it."

Jinyoung hesitated, not sure exactly what to say. He was taken aback by the offer, and he wasn't exactly sure as to why Jackson was willing to drive someone he just met that morning home too. It was kind of weird to suddenly suggest. "That's um... nice if you to offer..."

"I just don't want to be worried about you getting home safely..." Jackson quickly explained as if he heard the hesitation in Jinyoung's tone.

Jinyoung was sure Jackson was trying to be nice, but he didn't really need anyone to worry about him getting home. He was confident in taking care of himself, and he didn't need anyone to suddenly be concerned for his well being. "I appreciate the concern, but I've been getting to and from school on my own pretty well for a while now. Asthma doesn't stop me from doing what I need to do."

Jackson faltered, looking down at his lap. His eyes dimmed a little, the seemingly confident man awkwardly clearing his throat a little. "I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry..."

"No I'm not offended! I-I'm just saying, um..." Jinyoung trailed off, realizing his response may have been a tad bit passive aggressive. He can quickly turn into the defensive type depending on the subject of conversation, and his asthma was definitely something that pulled that trigger, even if it were being pulled accidentally. He let out a sigh, cursing at himself for having a heart. "Y'know, a ride home sounds nice actually. I'll take you up on the offer."

Jackson's eyes widened with excitement, his face seeming to brighten up now that Jinyoung had accepted the offer. "Really? Um, when does your last class end?"

"In the afternoon. 3 o'clock." Jinyoung stated, though he was already rethinking his choice to agree with meeting this guy he just met after class. 'This is how they kidnap people Jinyoung, you're literally being the dumbass in horror movies that gets killed first.'

"Mine ends at 2:30, so I'll wait for you in the parking lot, right here." Jackson said, gesturing to the spot he and his car were in.

"Oh you don't have to then if it's a burden..." Jinyoung stated, now unsure of whether he actually wanted to meet Jackson again. Sure the guy helped him out, but to suddenly get a ride home from him too was kinda weird. Then again, Jinyoung knew he would feel bad for turning down someone who so desperately wanted to do something for him, especially since the sight of Jackson's hopes being let down tugged at his heart for some reason.

"It's not! Trust me, it's not. I don't mind, I have nothing else to do with my life." Jackson stated with a chuckle, hopping out of his car to stand level with Jinyoung.

Jinyoung chuckled as well, relating a bit too much to the statement. Jackson seemed like such a sociable guy though, it was difficult to believe he had all the time in the world to spend on some asthmatic kid he helped out earlier in the day. "Okay. Thanks."

"No problem." Jackson replied, pulling Jinyoung back with a tug on his sweater when he started walking away to head to class. "Uh, one last thing..."

Jinyoung glanced back, subconsciously pulling his arm away from Jackson. "Hmm?"

"Phone number?" Jackson asked while pulling out his phone.

Jinyoung's eyes trailed over to the phone, still feeling awkward about getting all 'buddy buddy' with practically a stranger. "Oh..."

"Um, so we can stay in touch. Or in case anything happens, we can text each other or something... only if you want to..." Jackson mumbled, for some reason being shy.

Jinyoung hesitated before taking Jackson's phone, deciding to just fuck it and give his digits. The most he'd get would probably be a few annoying texts or what not before their conversation dries up and they never speak again. He handed Jackson back the phone, deciding to smile a bit wider while doing so. "Thank you, Jackson."

Jackson's eyes lit up as he gazed at the phone, his cheeks turning pink after Jinyoung gave his thanks. "No problem, just trying to be helpful."

Jinyoung felt that the least he could do was genuinely give his appreciation for all of Jackson's concerns and what he had done, and honestly Jackson's reaction to it all was pretty cute. That was established already though; Jinyoung would reluctantly admit that Jackson was a treat to look at, but he was still pretty unknown. "Are you usually this helpful to people?"

"Um... well, depends I guess..." Jackson mumbled out with a shrug.

Jinyoung had no idea what that meant, but he just smiled in response since he really needed to get going to class. "Well I'll see you after class then."

"See you! And be careful!" Jackson called as Jinyoung quickly widened the distance between them.

"I will mom!" Jinyoung called back, deciding to throw in their little joke from earlier in an attempt to be a bit more friendly.

Jackson collapsed with laughter, and Jinyoung was sure that the joke wasn't even that funny, but the positive reaction put him in a pretty good mood. He could only wonder what he'd learn about Jackson when they met again later on.


(*Late night updates because I'm crazy and bored and don't know how to put my phone down and sleep 🤪*)

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