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Jinyoung woke up alone on his couch, the sunlight seeping through his blinds directly hitting his face. He slowly sat up, rubbing his hands over his eyes to wipe the sleep out of them. Looking around the room, he spotted no sign of Jackson who he remembered visited the night before, but he did notice a piece of paper left on his coffee table. He unfolded the note that had a small heart drawn on it, a few lines scrawled onto the tiny paper.

"Hey! Thanks for having me over, I had fun! Hope you slept well, I would've put you in your bed but I didn't want to invade your privacy, so I hope sleeping on the couch didn't bother you too much. See you tomorrow!
~Jacksonnn! <3"

Jinyoung put together that he must've fallen asleep on Jackson since the last thing he remembered was sitting with him on the couch and watching a movie. Now that he thought about it, he realized that their time spent together the evening before was sort of a date. Like one of those at home dates where you invite your significant other over to hang out. Those dates often tend to lead to other things though, things that made Jinyoung blush like and idiot while thinking about them.

Of course him and Jackson did nothing like that. Jackson's visit was totally platonic, which was pretty unfortunate for Jinyoung's case, but he couldn't really complain since he was able to spend a few hours with the person he's now grown a massive crush on.

Jinyoung got up out of his makeshift bed on the couch provided by Jackson to prepare himself for the day, of course with the memories of the latter's visit replaying in his head. It didn't take long for him to start giggling like a crazy person over Jackson's charm and the little subtle compliments he gave all throughout the night. Jinyoung was literally in the shower smiling from ear to ear as he replayed Jackson calling him "cute" over and over in his head. He thought Jackson was cute too. He probably should've said it back.

He was even happier that today was yet another day of school, when he'd usually be rushing and dreading going to class, he was actually excited to go. Or, at least he was excited for the ride to school, since he would be greeted by that red convertible outside. He grabbed a granola bar and a jacket on his way out, nearly tripping down the stairs to run out of his apartment building. A wide smile stretched across his lips as him and Jackson locked eyes, waving at one another with matching grins. Jinyoung jumped into the car, eagerly putting on his seatbelt so they could be on their way.

"Wow, someone's excited today? Got a good grade on your test or something?" Jackson guessed.

He was wrong though. And Jinyoung really wanted to tell him the truth and say 'no, I'm just happy to see you again', but of course he didn't. Why would he anyway? The last thing he needed was to embarrass himself and turn tomato red in front of Jackson.

"Um, I just had a really good sleep last night." Jinyoung replied, watching Jackson's cheeks rise as his smile grew wider.

"Really? Thank goodness..." Jackson replied in a relieved sigh with a hand resting on his chest. He pulled off from the curb, taking them on their way to school.

Jinyoung glanced over at Jackson's hand, noticing the bandage he put on it still wrapped around his fingers. Though it probably was unsanitary, it made Jinyoung happy that Jackson hadn't taken it off yet. He remembers that hand subtly wrapped around his waist at some point last night, and Jinyoung didn't know exactly what Jackson meant by it, but of course he wouldn't forget the feeling of Jackson's fingers brushing his side. Just the thought reminded Jinyoung of the paper he found on the coffee table earlier, left by the one and only person he was daydreaming about.

"I saw the note you left. Thanks." He blurted out, figuring that there was no better time to show his appreciation for Jackson's care but now.

"No problem! You fell asleep on my lap last night and it was so cute, I really wanted to stay longer. but I had work at home to do, so I did the best I could with the pillows and blanket I found laying around." Jackson stated, always perking up when his efforts were acknowledged.

Jinyoung didn't remember falling asleep at all, especially not on Jackson's lap. He would've definitely remembered resting his head on Jackson, he probably just drifted off and fell over into his lap without even knowing. "On your l-lap? I didn't know, s-sorry..."

"It's fine Jinyoung. You were adorable. As always." Jackson stated, catching Jinyoung's gaze in his own.

Jinyoung quickly looked away, his hands covering his cheeks that never failed to betray him with their color changing ability. "What's with all the compliments lately? You're making me blush."

"That's the point." Jackson replied bluntly, until he actually realized exactly how blunt he was and back tracked. "Uh, I mean, making you blush is a bonus but... I dunno, I like giving compliments. Makes people happy."

"I see..." Jinyoung mumbled, chewing on his bottom lip as he tried so hard to hide a grin that refused to go away. "Well um... you're cute too then."

Jackson was obviously caught off guard, a high pitched squeal suddenly escaping him. "Aw, trying to make me blush now?"

"Just returning the compliment. To make you happy." Jinyoung stated with a shrug.

Jackson chuckled at the reuse of his own words. He seemed to adore Jinyoung's occasional cleverness. "I am happy. I'm always happy with you. Or I try to be at least."

"When you're not lecturing me about my asthma..." Jinyoung mumbled under his breath.

Jackson reached over and playfully pinched Jinyoung's arm, the latter jolting and rubbing the area. "Well like I told you before, I'm your second mom. I need to take care of you."

"Whatever." Jinyoung chuckled out, his indifferent tone completely opposing the tingling feeling that spread through his chest.

As much as Jinyoung wanted that car ride to last forever, it wasn't long before they were pulling up into campus. As Jackson found a parking space, Jinyoung's eyes caught on a colorful flyer that was posted to a parking sign outside. He skimmed over the words, the flyer advertising the homecoming dance that their school was throwing the next day. His interest was piqued, and he glanced over at Jackson who was just setting his car in park.

"So, see you after class?" Jackson asked as he met Jinyoung's gaze, the question totally unnecessary since Jinyoung would never say no to hanging out with him.

"Um..." Jinyoung's eyes flashed back over to the flyer, an idea sprouting in his head. "Sure. But, wanna do something different when I get out?"

Jackson cocked his head to the side, his brows raising in interest. "Something different? Like what?"

Jinyoung smiled, patting Jackson on the shoulder before opening his car door. "You'll see."

Jackson gave him a suspicious look, his expression obviously puzzled. "Oh, okay?"

"See you!" Jinyoung called as he walked off in the direction of his class, grinning back at Jackson who still looked quite confused.


(*more fluff cuz I'm a sucker for it I'm sorry.*)

RespirationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora