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Jinyoung woke up at the usual time he'd set his alarm to, rolling out of bed to get himself ready for yet another day of class. He showered and put on some clothes, his morning routine the same besides the added thought of what happened the day before in his mind. He just kept replaying the moments in his head where Jackson laughed or said something funny, making Jinyoung smile as he prepared himself for the day.

Though he also remembered how they ended their meeting the day before, which left a bad taste in Jinyoung's mouth. He still felt bad for snapping twice now on him when really Jackson did nothing wrong, he honestly didn't know any better.

That was on Jinyoung's mind as he shoved a granola bar in his mouth before grabbing his bag and rushing out the door. He was running late once again, knowing for sure he'd have to chase down the bus; Jinyoung was just terrible at time management. He barely even made it out the front door of his apartment building before he stumbled over his own feet, halting to a stop when he spotted that familiar red convertible sitting right outside on the street with Jackson sitting inside of it. Jinyoung was shocked to see that blinding white smile staring at him so early in the morning.

Jinyoung slowly approached the vehicle, his brows furrowed in pure confusion as he slowly pulled the granola bar out of his mouth. "Jackson, what the hell..."

"I'm here to pick you up. I thought giving you a ride would be a nice thing to do." Jackson stated, gesturing for Jinyoung to get in.

Jinyoung shook his head, trying to understand the logic. "But... Jackson I never asked you to..."

Jackson sighed, looking down at his lap. "I know but... I felt like yesterday ended kind of bitter, so I wanted to make it up to you."

Jinyoung hadn't expected Jackson to still be thinking about yesterday too, yet he obviously had it on his mind to come back to Jinyoung's apartment and make it up to him. Jinyoung was honestly flattered, yet felt even worse for letting his emotions get the best of him. Jackson was obviously just a nice dude trying to get close to a new person, the only problem being that with Jinyoung's more closed off personality, he wasn't exactly the most ideal person to try and get close to.

"No, yesterday was fine... you don't have to do this." Jinyoung stated, refusing to easily accept Jackson's kindness.

"I want to. Please?" Jackson asked again, his eyes widened in a puppy-like state.

Jinyoung shook his head, looking away to avoid Jackson's stare. One look was too much for him to handle, he'd already felt bad for making Jackson feel at fault, he didn't want to feel even worse for turning down his offer. "Jackson I really don't need you to do this for me."

"Jinyoung please? Please? I feel awful, I really didn't mean to make you upset, I really wanna do something to make it up to you, we can end on a good note this time, please?" Jackson pleaded, which unfortunately was Jinyoung's weakness.

He absolutely hated when people pleaded, only because it makes him feel even worse for rejecting them. And of course Jackson was no exception, the male's begging actually more effective on Jinyoung since he already had some natural effect that always made him give in.

"...fine." Was Jinyoung's final answer, his eyes capturing Jackson's grin as he got in the car and strapped himself in.

Jackson was obviously ecstatic that Jinyoung had agreed to let him drive them to school, him not being one to hide his emotions all too much. And of course it wouldn't be a quiet car ride, not with the ever so talkative Jackson. "So, how was your sleep?"

"It was... okay." Jinyoung answered, not really knowing how else to describe an average night of sleep.

"That's good, it's important to sleep well to have enough energy for the next day. I-" Jackson cut his own health lecture off once he glanced briefly from the road over at Jinyoung. He frowned at the package in Jinyoung's hand, pointing at the measly granola bar he was clutching onto. "Is that your breakfast?"

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