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"So this where you live?" Jackson asked as he wandered into the living room, plopping himself down on Jinyoung's couch.

"Um... y-yeah..." Jinyoung stuttered while currently panicking, realizing that he didn't think twice before dragging Jackson into his home, and he was just now noticing how messy his place was.

"It's comfy, I like it." Jackson said, leaning back and resting his arm across the back of the couch, his elbow knocking down a pair of Jinyoung's underwear that had been somehow lodged back there. They both looked down at the crumpled piece of fabric, Jackson's expression indifferent while Jinyoung's filled with terror. "Oh, sorry. Let me get that for you."

"No!" Jinyoung squealed, diving to pick up his underwear that he didn't even know if they were clean or not. He felt his heart pounding against his chest while his cheeks flushed pink, his eyes averting away from Jackson who looked at him in confusion with a hint of amusement. "I-It's just a dirty t-shirt. I'll go throw it in the wash..."

Jinyoung rushed off to his room, closing the door behind him. He rested his head against the wood, his heated face steaming up the cool surface. He didn't exactly realize how embarrassing having a guy he liked over at his house would be, and now he was a mess because of it. He didn't even fucking clean his house, what the hell was he thinking?

"Um, Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung jolted from the sound of Jackson's voice. What did he want? Was he gonna leave now? Was he driven away by Jinyoung's messy apartment? Jinyoung didn't always live like this, but these past few weeks he'd been busy with studying, he grew too tired and lazy to clean up. Or did Jackson maybe want to leave because it was too awkward? Jinyoung cursed himself for being the worst in social situations, especially when it came to having company over. And maybe if he weren't hiding away in his room, Jackson would be more inclined to stay.

"Um, I'm coming out, just a second." Jinyoung responded, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"I'm just letting you know that our food is here, I think. Want me to open the door?" Jackson asked, and just after that Jinyoung could hear the faint knocking on his front door.

"Oh, um, shit... I'll be right out." Jinyoung called, looking around for some cash to pay the delivery guy with. He was quite disorganized at the moment, and of course it's when Jackson was waiting in his living room that he couldn't find his damn wallet. Until he realized it was in his back pocket the entire time since he rarely left the house without it.

He tugged the wallet out of his pants, fingers fumbling with opening it up to get out the money as he nearly tripped over his own feet towards his bedroom door. All he could think of as he left his room was how to impress Jackson, and he thought that maybe paying for both of their meals out of his own pocket would suffice. Though just as Jinyoung entered through the living room with money in hand, he looked up to see Jackson at the door, thanking the delivery guy for their food. Jinyoung stopped in his tracks, his confused stare meeting Jackson's.

"I just answered it for you. I paid him so don't worry about it." Jackson said, his gaze momentarily dropping down to the money in Jinyoung's hands.

"O-Oh..." Jinyoung mumbled, his shoulders slumping down as he realized his window to impress Jackson had closed. He started pouting without really noticing he was, more so because he was upset with Jackson's quickness to be kind and helpful without even taking a second thought of it.

Jinyoung could only wonder why he had to end up falling for such a kind hearted person, and he could only try to be half the man that Jackson was. He wanted to at least try and be as thoughtful as Jackson's was, but of course the man himself beat Jinyoung to the punch.

"Come eat with me." Jackson said with a cheery smile, plopping himself on the couch and patting the empty space next to him.

"O-Okay..." Jinyoung mumbled, seating himself next to Jackson with that pout of disappointment still on his face.

Jackson of course noticed it while he unpacked the food, a tiny smirk on his lips. "You okay?"

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine..." Jinyoung replied, though he was genuinely still upset that he couldn't find a way to take care of Jackson as much as the latter took care of him.

Jackson cocked his head to the side, obviously seeing through Jinyoung's bluff. "You sure? You looked upset for a minute there. Was kinda cute, like a kid who didn't get the toy they wanted from the store."

Jinyoung was hooked on the word 'cute', his eyes darting between Jackson and the floor. "W-Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Yes, I'm trying to call you cute." Jackson stated, more straightforward than Jinyoung had expected.

He was flustered, not really knowing how to reply. A smile threatened to show itself on his lips. He'd never expected that being called cute would make him feel so warm and mushy inside. "Oh! I... um... th-thanks..."

"You're good though?" Jackson asked again, almost masterfully using the moment to slide an arm around Jinyoung.

"I'm fine! I'm totally fine..." Jinyoung stated, definitely noticing the arm around him and definitely getting the urge to lean closer into Jackson's arms. That smile that attempted to climb onto his lips successfully made its grand appearance, and not planning on leaving his face anytime soon.

"Good. Eat up smiley." Jackson said while handing Jinyoung his tray of food, referring to the bright grin the latter was wearing.

Jinyoung set his food in his lap, his heart bursting with affection for the man sitting next to him as he happily shoved food in his mouth.


(*Short fluffy chapter where the fluff kills me uwu i think i have diabetes from the sweetness <33*)

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