His case opened with fire and Nifflers trying to escape. Harry and Ginny both got up and noticed that his case wasn't just a case.

"Is he okay?" Harry asked.
"I'm alright." Newt said to them.

Newt popped his head out again from the case.
"Amazing isn't it." Newt said.
"Don't worry. There be a tour in one of you're classes as a special treat." Newt said.
"I believe this belongs to you." Newt said taking Arnold out of his jacket and into Ginny's hand. Ginny was shocked that Arnold was still alive.
"Oh my god. I thought I lost him in the war." Ginny said. "He was trying to protect me. Then he vanished I never knew what happened to him since." Ginny said holding him in his hand.
"Thank you." Ginny said to Newt. Then turned to Harry smiling at Ginny.
"Thank you." Ginny said smiling to Harry.
"He's amazing. All he would do is eat earwax all day and play in the trees." Newt told Ginny. Ginny laughed.
"Well I best better get him a tree then won't I." Ginny said.
"Might be a good idea." Newt said.
"Oh boy, Ginny. Harry best you two be off now. Better go before McGononall finds out, how did you sneak past anyone anyway?" Hagrid asked.
"Hermione. She let us pass through." Ginny said.
"Not to worry. I can get you to the common room." Newt said.
"Uh?" The both of them asked.
"The case. It has transport powers." Newt said.
"Follow me." Newt said.

Ginny and Harry followed Newt into his house in his case.
"The Common Room has a fireplace correct?" Newt asked.
"Yes." Harry said.
"Just press that button. And it will get to where ever you need to go. Now I can't take you there unfortunately I am a Hufflepuff. But press the button. Think where you want to be then you're there." Newt said.
"Ladies first." Newt said.

Ginny was scared at first to press the transportation button all she had to do is think of 'The Gryffindor Common Room' Ginny pressed the button and she jumped down to The Gryffindor Common Room with Arnold. Ron then got up.

"Thank you Professor." Harry said.
"Anytime Harry." Newt said.
"It's been a pleasure." Harry said.
"Of course." Newt said.

Harry presses the button and brought himself to The Common Room. Ron was screaming at Ginny. Hermione didn't tell them that Harry and Ginny really went to sneak out to go on a date, but Ron immediately figured it out. Harry gave Hermione a look.

"What's going on." Harry whispered behind the screaming.
"I swear I didn't tell him that I sneaked you guys out but he's pissed that you both didn't help tonight. Now he's mad at me that I let you guys do that. It's ridiculous that he's doing this to her." Hermione whispered back.

"Yeah! Well! I never liked Dean! Micheal! None of them! I don't like that you are dating one of my best friends!" Ron yelled into Ginny's face.
"Yeah! Well! I'm in love with him and I'm never going to stop!" Ginny yelled back.
"Fine! You don't even know what it is! You've dated too much!" Ron yelled back.
"Of course I know what it is! You've only dated what Lavender and that was an annoying let down and you're dating one of my best friends and you're acting this way! Ron you have to grow up!" Ginny yelled again.
"If you think I am a horrible brother for doing this then! You're wrong! Be lucky you have so many brothers!" Ron yelled.
"Ronald! Enough. Go. Now." Hermione yelled pushing him out. Harry gave Ron a dirty look.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you." Harry said. Ron walked towards Harry.
"And you. Keep out of this." Ron said.
"Go to bed! The both of you. Now!" Hermione yelled.
"Now!" Hermione yelled as they just stood there and they finally walked up the stairs and into their room the two boys were staying in across the hall from Hermione and Ginny.
Harry gave Ron the look,
"What did you do." Harry whispered.
"What did you say." Harry whispered again.
"Off to bed." Hermione said.
"Figure it out." Hermione said.
Harry and Ron vastly went up stairs to their room to get out of the girls hare's.
Hermione turned around and sat down. Followed by Ginny on the couch by the fireplace running.
"I have to tell you something." Hermione said.
"What is it." Ginny said.
"I had another vision at the ceremony." Hermione said.
"You What. Why didn't you tell me." Ginny said.
"I don't know. I seemed fine." Hermione said.
"Hermione haven't these visions isn't fine. Did you hear anything this time?" Ginny asked.
"I only heard me saying, no! Just take me! Just take me! It looked like I was dying. All of us. We looked like we were on the run again without Ron." Hermione said.
"Do you think these visions are showing the future." Ginny said. Hermione got up to face the glass window to look out in the storm.
"Possibly." Hermione said. Ginny got up.
"We have to do something to stop these visions that you're having. Someone could be messing with you're head." Ginny said.
"That's the thing. I think Lucius is trying to connect my mind to his. Like how Voldemort did it with you and Harry." Hermione said turning around to face Ginny.
"What do you feel when you get these visions." Ginny said.
"I don't know. Right now. I'm just scared that another war is going to happen. Ginny, this is going to happen over and over again isn't it. These wars. Running again. I'm just scared. I never been this scared in my life." Hermione said sitting down in the chair next to the window sighing. Ginny sat next to the chair next to her.
"I get it. I was scared for you. When I heard you were spotted in the manner with my brother and Harry. It didn't seem good. Ron called us and said something about you but didn't give us all the details. He said that Dobby died. Just everything was happening at once." Ginny said.
"I knew I couldn't show up because of -" Ginny said.
"Because of Harry. You could have least send an owl to me." Hermione said.
"Tried, mum wouldn't let us send owls to you or Harry or Ron because we were in hiding. Mum wouldn't let us do anything." Ginny said.
"I assumed that she was furious when we left." Hermione said.
"She wasn't happy. But Hermione, we have to figure something out. We can't just sit here and let me watch you as you have these visions." Ginny said. Hermione nodded. Hermione noticed that Arnold was on her shoulder again.
"Hey. Arnold how did you get him back?" Hermione asked.
"Well. Harry. On the date we went to Hagrid's. Newt, he gave him back to me. I thought I lost him in the war but really Hagrid saved him." Ginny said.
"So that's why Ron was so mad?" Hermione asked. Ginny giggles.
"No, he's just mad because I'm spending more time with Harry. Which is weird because, I've been spending time with you and even Ron." Ginny said.
"I'm sure Ron is just being a protective brother." Hermione said.
"Overly protective." Ginny said.
"He does it out of love that's all, but hoping that they would least get along now." Hermione said.
"Hopefully. Quittich starts soon." Ginny said, Hermione's arm started to hurt again.

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