It's Because I'm Gay... Isn't It?

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Harry wakes me up from my nap. I tell him that I don't want to see my mum, that I'm not ready.

"I understand," He says. "But you have to, Louis."

"We could say I'm sick or-." I stop talking. Me being sick is what started this whole mess. I can feel tears in my eyes. "We could say I'm feeling okay. We could tell the truth and say that I'm not ready, Harry," I whisper.

"Lou, I'm sorry to say this but you have to. Your mum is flying out to see you," Harry says. He gently rubs my back.

"I wish I was.... I wish I was dead." There. I said it. Harry's hand stops moving on my back and soon I'm in his arms.

"Don't ever wish that," Harry mumbles. He kisses the back on my neck. "Ever." I lay there In Harry's arms until there's the sound of a doorbell. I jump and try my best to hide. "No, Louis. You have to come. Please? Do this for me," Harry begs. So I go downstairs with him. A lady comes up to me, and I recognize her as Jay, the nice lady who helped me with my apartment. She's crying a little.

"Louis," She mutters.

"Jay, hello. I'm meeting my mum tonight," I say. Harry, who's holding my hand squeezes it.

"Lou, that is your mum," He says. I look at Jay in shock.

"She's my mum? The one who gave BIRTH to me?" I ask in shock.

"I was s-so scared," Jay says. She reaches for me, but I take a step back.

"N-no," I whisper. I turn to Harry and start to pull on my shirt. "I want to get out of here. Harry I-I can't do this," I say. Harry looks at my mum before looking at me. I start to cry.

"Let's go," He sighs. I try and take my shirt off but Harry stops me. We leave Liam's party, which in a way is also for me, and head to McDonalds. I've never had McDonalds. When it's our turn to order the man behind the cash thing glares at me.

"I can't serve you, sir," He says.

"Why? Is it because I'm gay?" I ask.

"Well no it-."

"No, no, I get it. It's because I like dick and you don't," I say.


"But alas! I only found this out like four days ago!"

"You hav-."

"We can eat elsewhere," I say. Harry is laughing. I turn to him. "What's your problem? You're gay too," I say.

"Y-you h-have n-n-no shirt," Harry laughs. I turn back to the cash guy.

"I'm sorry. Jesus this is like... Oh my god. I just... Strip," I say. Harry doesn't stop laughing at me until we leave.

Photograph - stylinson -Where stories live. Discover now