Shit, Sorry

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Soon I'm allowed to go home and Liam still hasn't woken up. Harry had the doctors change my medicine after he learnt about other "fantasies" that involved me "hurting myself". I don't understand it to be honest. Sure sometimes I've done some weird things when I was alone. Personally I think falling off the bridge was nothing compared to other things I've done. I don't share that information with Harry. Right now I'm sitting in Harry's room, which I might as well call our room because Harry isn't letting me move back to my place. Oh, and Cat is in my lap. We're waiting for news on Liam who apparently is an author now and is currently writing a fourth book of a seven book series. Of he dies, the series will crumble. I hear a phone ring and close my eyes. It's going to be the hospital. I know they're calling to tell us that Liam is dead.

"Louis!" Harry yells, "LOUIS!" Harry runs into the room. I look at him.

"Shit... Sorry... I-I killed Liam," I say. I wipe my eyes, and Cat jumps from my lap. Harry sits on the bed and pulls me into his chest.

"Liam's awake, Lou. You didn't kill him, he's awake," Harry mumbles. He runs his fingers through my hair before kissing my head. I rest my head on Harry's shoulder and cry. Liam's okay. I barley know him and I almost killed him.

"Can we see him?" I ask.

"Yeah. Why don't you get dressed and we'll go. I don't think the hospital will like you being naked," Harry says. I look down and scream. Where the fuck did my clothes go?

"Harry... My clothes," I gasp. He starts to laugh before kissing my lips softly. I smile a little when Harry kisses me. I like his kisses. I peck Harry's lips. "Let me get dressed," I say. Harry nods and leaves the room. I look down at my lap. Why am I naked? I don't remember taking my clothes off. I sigh and head to the dresser. I take out some of my clothes and put them on. I'm not sure if they're mine or Harry's. I then head downstairs to where I think Harry is. I run into Niall in the hall. He smiles at me.

"It wasn't your fault. Liam will know that," He says.

"Are we thinking of the same Liam? I made him fall off a bridge," I say.

"Liam's a forgiving person. Sometimes you would tease him about being Canadian," Niall says. We head downstairs. Harry makes a joke about how I have clothes on now then we leave. Niall teases us about having sex, I start to tease Niall but stop. I don't have anything to say. We arrive at the hospital. I'm now shirtless.


After Harry puts my shirt back we head into the hospital. Zayn's waiting for us and so is a lady who claims to be Liam's mum. I shake her hand and she hugs me tightly. She talks about how she missed me even though I've never seen her in my life. Harry explains my Perelumn to Liam's mum who then starts to cry. She hugs me, telling me that she's so, so sorry. We go to see Liam. When he sees me he starts to cry.

"I'm so happy you're okay," He says. I look at Liam like he's crazy. Which I think he is. I almost killed him and he's happy that I'm alive. Okay then.

"I thought you were dead," I whisper. I pull on the hem of my shirt before pulling it over my head. Harry walks up to me and puts my shirt back on. Harry looks at me and takes my hands. I give his an annoyed look. If I don't want my shirt on then he should respect that.

"Can I talk to Louis?" Liam asks, "Alone?" Oh my god. He's going to yell at me. Liam hates me now. I can tell. Everyone slowly walks out of the room. Harry tells me that my clothes have to stay on before leaving too. I turn to Liam.

"W-what d-do you need?" I ask. I start to tug on my sleeves.

"I want you to understand something, Louis. I forgive you. I know that you... You... Why are you taking your pants off?" Liam looks at me. I look down and see that I am in fact holding my jeans in my hands.

"Just keep talking," I say.

"Okay... I just... Can you please not take your underwear off?" I hold my hands up in defeat and put my jeans back on.

"It's my medicine," I say, "I don't like it." I tug on my sleeves again and pull at my hair. I walk up to Liam and take his hand. "Liam I'm so sorry. I just... Don't tell Harry about the clothes thing," I say. I say it because I don't know what to say. "Shit, sorry. I just don't know what to say," I say. Liam smiles.

"It's okay, Louis. I want you to get better okay? And I'm happy that your back." After that Liam just talks to me. He tells me that yes, he does sort of like Zayn and that he hasn't told Zayn because he doesn't want they're friendship to be ruined. I end up taking my shirt off again.

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