Louis' Chair

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I look at the boys who all seem to be thinking different things. This is my chair. MY CHAIR. Louis' chair. Okay I need to stop that. I look around the room and smile. I start to eat, which is hard with Cat in my lap. Soon I'm finished eating and feel proud. I usually eat twice a day but today I've eaten three times. Usually I end up throwing up because of the Perelumn. It doesn't really like a lot of food to be in the victims system. It takes a few minutes but I finally feel sick.

"I'm sorry," I say. I run from the dining room and towards the bathroom. I throw up as soon as I step foot into the bathroom. I ruined Harry's floor. I close my eyes and feel tears falling down my cheeks.

"Louis are you okay?" I shake my head, not trusting my voice. Harry puts his arms around me. "What happened?"

"I ate t-too much today," I whisper. Harry leans me into his chest and kisses my cheek.

"Let's get this cleaned up then you can shower, okay?" He says. I nod and step away from my vomit.

"I-I'll clean it," I whisper.

"No, you go sit with the others. If you feel sick again tell Niall to get you a bucket. I have this," Harry says. I nod and slowly walk back to the dining room. My mouth tastes bad. I sit back in my Louis Chair and close my eyes. To the boys this must be very weird, but for me it's just another day of my messed up life.

"Where's Cat?" I ask.

"He ran after you dropped him. Do yo want me to find him?" Zayn asks. I shake my head. I don't need to throw up on my cat too. I lay my head on the table, after moving a few things and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths before someone starts to run their fingers through my hair. Soon Harry comes and tells me that the bathroom is clean and that I can have a shower. I groan and try to bury my head into the table. Harry puts his hands on my back.

"Do you want a bath, Lou? Because I'll start one if that's what you need," He whispers. I nod slightly. I don't feel good at all. My body feels like it's covered in goosebumps and I'm hot. I need my medicine. I sit up and look around. Where did I leave it?

"Lou what do you need?" Liam asks.

"M' medicine," I say. I then hold my stomach and try to stand up. But Zayn, who's now sitting next to me gently pulls me down.

"Let Liam get it," He says. Zayn pulls me onto his lap and let's me rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and focus on his breathing. I don't know why but it's quite calming.

"Lou the bath is ready," Harry says, coming back from the bathroom. Zayn helps me up and hends me over to Harry.

"Liam's getting his medicine then we'll be off. It was nice seeing you again, Louis. We'll be back soon," Zayn says. Honestly I'm too tired to care. They could drive off a cliff and I'd just shrug and go to sleep. Soon Liam comes with my medicine and gets two of the small pills out for me. I swallow them with water and walk off to the bathroom with Harry's help. I hear Niall saying goodbye to Liam and Zayn as Harry helps me take my jeans off. I take my shirt off and feel cold. I lean into Harry's chest, whimpering slightly. Having Perelumun is like having a never ending cold or flu I forget which is which. I look at Harry who's looking at me.

"Do you want me to um- I can go if you," His hands are on my waist and I understand what it is that he's trying to say.

"Y-you can stay," I say. He nods and kisses my forehead. I take my boxers off and quickly get into the tub. Harry's eyes don't leave mine as I do so. I lay down in the tub and close my eyes. The hot water feels nice against my cold skin.

"I'm happy you're back," Harry says. I take his hand and kiss it.

"I'm happy that I knew someone as nice as you," I say. I stay in the bath until the water is cold. Harry helps me dry off before we head off to bed. I change into some warm pajamas and cuddle up to Harry's side. "Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Lou."

Photograph - stylinson -Where stories live. Discover now