That Was Us

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Harry hands me a towel, his eyes never meeting mine. I try my best to look at the ground, my body shaking violently in my wet clothes.

"I'll be right back," Harry whispers. I watch him walk off. Liam comes into the room and looks at me, smiling softly.

"Hey," He says. I keep my eyes on the ground and wrap the towel around my body. I can feel tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. Harry comes back and hands me some clothes.

"You can go change. I'll make you some tea," He says. I close my eyes, letting a few tears escape and nod. Two years. It's been two years since I've last seen them. I ask Harry where the washroom is, so I can change. He then turns to Liam who's apparently not Liam but Niall and asks him to take me so he can make the tea. Niall takes me to the bathroom and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you," He whispers. I nod, not trusting my voice. Niall stops hugging me. "Are they true? The rumors?" I only head into the bathroom and shut the door. Looking in the mirror I run my hands through my short-ish-long hair. I don't know if other people would consider it long, but I do. I used to be bald. I shake my head and take my clothes off, thankfully Harry gave me boxers to change into because mine are wet and not mine. I change into Harry's slightly bigger clothes and feel tears in my eyes. I'm almost swimming in them now. Is that what two years does to someone? I swear we used to share this shirt and it used to fit me. Why the hell does Harry have a shirt from two years ago? I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. Harry's making tea so I better go... Or I could stay here and cry. Tea it is. I head out of the bathroom and walk down a few halls before finding Harry. He looks at me and smiles.

"You're tea is ready. Why don't you go join Niall in the living room while I wait for Liam and Zayn to get here?" Harry says. I look down. Liam and Zayn are the gay ones right? "Lou are you okay?" Harry asks. He lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him. I nod.

"Where's the living room?" I ask softly. Harry points down a hall that I've already been down. I thank him and walk away. Niall is sitting on a couch. He turns to me when I enter the room. I carefully sit as far away as Niall as I can. He hands me a cup of tea. Niall turns away from me. I look at the ground, something I'm used to. After a while of staring I hear a loud knock. I can hear quiet talking and try and look at the ground more, hoping it will swallow me up.

"Louis," I hear someone say. I look up and see Zayn and Liam. I look at Liam then at Niall. Both boys with brown hair. Wasn't Liam blond? I realize I'm staring and turn back to the floor. Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away. I'm wrong, of course. Someone sits next to me, putting a hand on my knee.

"Why did you leave us? The band?" It's Harry. I look up, our eyes meeting. I turn to Zayn and Liam. I feel overwhelmed.

"Liam and Zayn are the gay ones... Right?" I ask. Liam covers his mouth, saying an 'oh my god' into his hand.

"Lou that was us," Harry says, wiping his thumb on my cheek. I must be crying. I take a sip of my tea. It's cold now. I give Harry the tea and stand up.

"Well I should get going seeing that it's lat-."

"You aren't going anywhere, Louis. It's raining a lot and Harry told us you were walking," Zayn....? says.

"Zayn's right. We won't let you go out, espically if the rumors are true," Harry says, rubbing my hand with his thumb. I don't know if that's something I used to like but now I don't. I pull my hand away. I catch Harry looking at my hand, a pained expression on his face.

"Okay. Then where can I sleep? I have classes tomorrow and truthfully I shouldn't have even gone out I was meeting some friends and..." I trail off, my eyes catching something near the TV. I squint at the picture, mentally hitting myself for not bringing my glasses. It's a picture of what looks like Harry and I, in tuxes kissing. Holy shit we're married.

Holy shit I'm married to a guy that looks like a girl.

Holy shit I'm married.

Married shit holy.

I turn to Harry. Is that why he's so butt-hurt about me pulling my hand away? Well shit.

"Take my hand," I tell him. Harry looks at my and slowly takes my hand in his. He looks confused. I'm confused. I bet whoever the president is right now is confused. "I like your hands," I inform Harry. He smiles softly and stands up. Harry gives me a tight hug. He looks at me and wipes a few stray tears. Why is Harry crying? Shouldn't I be crying? I forgot about being married to him.

"Let's get you to bed."

Harry's bed is big but not too big. It's bigger than my bed which I guess is only for one person. Harry gives me some clothes to change into, telling me he's going to set up the guest room for Liam and Zayn. I want to ask him about Niall but then I sort of remember Niall was the one to answer the door. I change once Harry's gone, touching my bare stomach with my cold hands. It feels hot. My whole body feels hot. I hope I'm not getting sick. I put one of Harry's shirts on and lay down on the bed. I feel someone moving me, their hands holding me like I'm some piece of glass.

"Goodnight, Lou," The person whispers. I would reply but my eyes feel very nice being closed. Harry. That's who's beside me. I really should tell him that I'm not feeling good and to take me to the hospital. But sleep is slowly taking over my mind.

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