It's Not Car Sex

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Harry and Niall bring me and Cat to their place to stay. I tell Cat that we're moving but don't know if he understands. I mean, he is a cat. All I know about cats is that I have to feed them, and my doctor thought it would be a good way to be responsible. I just leave a bag of cat food open in each room in case I forget to feed Cat. Harry and Niall are talking quietly, and I'm to tired to listen. I pet Cat and look out the window. I start to think about how I'm the gay one. I mean... I'm married to Harry, thus making me gay. Unless I was like, forced to marry Harry. Nah, he seems too nice for that.

"Doesn't he?" I say. I say it to Cat but Harry and Niall turn to me, Harry looking back at the road a few seconds later. Niall doesn't turn away though. He watches me like I'm some sort of strange animal. And maybe to him I am. I must have changed a lot after getting sick.

"How's your mum, Lou?" Niall asks.

"My mum?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah... How is she?" Niall asks. I turn away, tears stinging my eyes.

"I don't remember my mum," I whisper. I look out the window and Harry stops the car.

"You WHAT?" He yells. Harry turns to me and a car behind us honks the car horn, the person inside yelling at us to 'move the fuck along.' which isn't really nice.

"Harry, drive. I'll call Jay," Niall says. Harry starts to drive again and I watch Niall. He curses under his breath a few times. He then puts the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Jay.... Niall.... Yes... Actually we found your son.... Yeah, fuck is right.... How com-. No, don't cut me off. How come he doesn't know your his mum?" I look at my hands and listen to Niall talk. "Oh, oh because management told you to do that? Like I'd fucking believe that. The truth, Jay, the truth..... Oh because... Ha. Goodbye, also, don't think about visiting." Niall hangs up.

"What did she say?" Harry asks.

"That she couldn't handle Louis being that sick so she lied," Niall grumbles.

"That's so fucking sick!" Harry yells. He hits the steering wheel as we pull up to Harry and Niall's house. Harry gets out, slamming the door before opening the door again and slamming it again. He does this for a few minutes. I sit in the car and watch. Harry's hair is covering his face, making him look crazed. He turns to me and opens the back door. Harry climbs in and sits next to me. I look at Harry who's crying.

"You could be my mum," I whisper. I take some of Harry's hair. "I mean... You have the hair." Harry turns to me. His eyes flick to my lips then back to my eyes.

"I want to kiss you," He whispers.

"Then kiss me," I say. And Harry does. He cups my cheeks, his lips on mine. Now, I'm no master in the art of kissing so I try and do what Harry does. He bites on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. Harry uses his tounge. So he likes to French Kiss... Interesting. I move my hands to his shoulders, letting go of Cat who if the door is open might run away but I don't care about that right now. I'm kissing my new-to-me-husband and I'm liking it. I pull away from the kiss and take a deep breath.

"Do you always kiss like that?" I pant. Harry nods. "Well shit... It's hot." I pull Harry close and kiss him again. This time Harry moves so he's towering over me, his hands still on my cheeks. The kiss is rough but Harry's touch is gentle. I hear a knocking sound, which makes Harry pull away. I'm panting again.

"Stop kissing please," Liam says. He's looking through a window. I turn to Harry and smile.

"We should g-go..." I look around the car for Cat and find him/her in the front. I gently pick Cat up and follow Harry out of the car. Liam and Zayn follow us.


Harry cooks dinner while Niall helps me unpack in Harry and I's room. Cat seems to like the bed, which is good. Cat's pretty damn lazy. What the hell am I saying? Cat's the closest thing I've seen to a dog on crack.

"I heard you and Harry had a little car sex," Niall says.

"It's not car sex, we just kissed," I say.

"Hm Liam said it looked like sex," Niall says. He winks at me. "I'm just kidding, mate. Let's go, harry should be done cooking by now." He walks out of the room. I pick up Cat and walk after Niall. Harry sets the plates, Liam, Niall and Zayn are already sitting. I watch as Harry plates the food before sitting next to an empty chair.

"Come sit, Lou," He says. I make my way over to the chair and think about how his table has five spots and for how two years this one must have been empty. I sit in the chair and look at Harry. I can tell by the look in his eyes that this is my seat, and it's been waiting for me.

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