• chapter 13 • BRAND NEW

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Jimin's Pov

I stretch and yawn, rubbing my eyes as the drawn curtains draw in the morning glow. Realising that I was still at Chae's apartment from the previous night, I look at my now crumpled shirt and trousers. I then look to my right to see that I've been left abandoned in her bed.

I decide to remove my trousers and shirt, searching for the pair of joggers I left in her apartment. Still half asleep I rummage through her draw to pull out said jogging bottoms.

Rubbing my eyes after putting them on, my senses begin to heighten as I become more awake. Suddenly, a sweet wafting smell fills the air and an enticing aroma of pancakes tempts me out of her room.

Flipping a pancake in the frying pan, then adding it on an already prepared stack, Chae stands in the kitchen in her dressing gown. Humming softly to herself I wrap my around her waist from behind and rest my head on her shoulders.

"Good-morning baby." She chuckles as I kiss her, burying my face into the crook of her neck.

"Good-morning handsome. Are you hungry?" She muses, resting her head against my shoulders and I let my hands explore her waist.

"For you? Always." I feel her laugh against my lips as they proceed to suck at her neck.

"No, Jimin, for pancakes. You fed me last night, so I thought I'd make these as a thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. It's my duty as your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend. Huh, that's the first time you've called yourself that."

"Well, wouldn't you say that's what I am? I mean we've been dating for quite some time. Nothing would change it would just be sticking a label on it."

"I know, I know, I'm definitely not opposing the idea. I just haven't heard you say it before, it was nice to hear. I'd be more than happy to be your girlfriend, Park Jimin."

"Well I'm glad, Park Chaeyoung." She cranes her neck to peck my lips.

"Yah, let me finish the last pancake." Allowing her to flip the last one, I release her from my grip and observe. Once done she hops on the counter and I position myself between her legs.

"Are you gonna feed me?" I wiggle my eyebrows, causing her to roll her eyes and giggle.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yup." She pops a pancake on a plate and tears it and I take it between my teeth as she feeds it to me, "taste good?"

"Very." I rub my hands along the length of her thighs, smiling as she continues to pass me pieces of pancake.

Chuckling and chatting together, we munch through nearly the whole of the batch of pancakes. She dips them into Nutella before feeding them to me, adding the occasional strawberry and she cutely smiles as I eat away.

I trickle my hands up to her waist, pulling her closer into me. Putting the plate down she slinks her arms around my neck.

"Thank you baby."

"No problem." She kisses me softly, slipping her tongue into my mouth with a sinfully good taste of chocolate and strawberries. I gently bite her bottom lip before pulling away.

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