• chapter 21 • BRAND NEW

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Jimin's Pov

"You want to be the one to do it?" I look warily at Chae's determined expression.

"Yes! This bitch made my life hell. She tried to break us baby." She tugs my tie so I lean into her, instinctively my hands grip her waist, "...please?"

I gulp under her gaze, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she bites it while staring into my eyes. Batting her eyelashes softly I almost forget how to breathe.

"I-I just don't t-think you should do it. I-I'll deal with her she's my ex." My voice sounds strained as she plays with my hair humming softly and making my insides flip.

"I won't attack her, I'll be calm, I promise. I just want a little chat to set her straight that's all, baby." She pouts while tracing along my jawline.

"I'm still going to be here."

"I know."

"And I'll control the situation if it gets out of hand."

"Mmmm sure you will."

"And I-umm." She kisses under my ear softly and I completely lose my train of thought. In fact, the thought train has switched lanes and is now heading in another direction. A dangerous direction, "Fine you can confront Seulgi."

"Perfect!" My whole body goes into shock as I'm swiftly pushed away as she smiles mischievously.

"I-I feel used." I pretend to cover my body in shame.

"We're taking things slowly remember and it's your fault you fell for it but no take backs now!" She giggles at my stunned expression.

"Yah, Park Chaeyoung, as your boss, I demand a kiss." She skips closer and pecks my lips.

"That's all you get Mr.Park. Now get her into the office!" She clasps her hands together.

"You seem overly eager to do this Chae."

"I just wanna stick it to her." She pretends the air is a punching bag and fists an imaginary Seulgi. I move in front of her grasping her hands, laughing whole heartedly at my little fighter, "I'd move if I were you, unless you're trying to get sucker punched tiny man."

"Save it for the real thing baby." I pull her into a warm hug. She tenses but soon relaxes into my hold.

"I missed this." I tenderly kiss her forehead.

"I missed this too." She pulls away and I tuck a loose strand of fallen hair behind her ear.

"I-I, Jimin," I kiss slowly along her jawline slowly, worshipping every part of her skin, "f-fuck taking things slow."

I lift her onto the desk and her legs wrap around my torso. Falling for her all over again as she kisses along my and jaw and trails down my neck.

"I-I love you." I stutter as she smiles at me brightly.


*Mr Park? Miss Kang-*
*It's Mrs Park exactly*
*I er- Mrs Park is here and coming up to your office now*
*CHIMMY I'm on my wayyy. Your staff is so incompetent by the way*

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