• chapter 16 •

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Chaeyoung's Pov

"Break up with him."

I whip my head around, I had thought I was alone in the copying room, I didn't even hear the door sound. But clearly someone had entered as I look to see a female holding an icy look upon her face.

"Excuse me?" I turn to face the brunette who's hands are placed firmly on her hips, face narrowed, giving off a cold stare.

"I said," she takes a step closer towards me, sizing me up with her eyes, "break up with him."

"Sorry who are you?" I say unfazed. Dealing with this behaviour was not on my agenda for today, and I didn't feel like making room in my schedule for it either.

"I'm his fiancé." She stated, as if it was a fact that I should know off, but the bell suddenly sounds and I realise who exactly I'm talking to. Seulgi

"Oh, you're the crazy ex. Sqeulgi, or something, isn't it? " I snicker as she scoffs.

"What'd you just call me?"

"Did I stutter?" I raise my eyebrow, and mirror her position, placing my hand on my hip, "Cra-zy-ex."

"The nerve of you! You think you can take Jimin away from the woman he loves!" Her voice is shrill and obnoxious, and might end up giving me a migraine.

"Why would I take Jimin away from myself, that wouldn't be very intelligent would it?" I smiled a sickly saccharine smile.

"Yah! You listen to me! The whole world hasn't digested mine and Jimin's... temporary break. How would the whole of Korea like to learn that the top businessmen has cheated on his beloved wife-to-be with an office slut. A social climbing, gold digging whore, only in it for his money. Or just to hear that he's banging his fucking slut of a secretary. That would be enough to do some damage, right? Can't you see the headlines already?"

"Leave his business out of this. If you truly loved him and weren't fucking insane, you wouldn't jeopardise his career, just to win him back." my temper sizzled as I shake off the insults.

"It's BECAUSE I love him, that I have to go to these extremities. If you weren't in the picture at all, I wouldn't have to. So the choice is simple. Break up with him."

"Or I just tell Jimin exactly what's going on right now."

"That's not such a brilliant idea." Her scowl softens, and an evil smile creeps onto her lips, "see I have friends in very high places, especially newspaper companies. Why, I already have the articles ready to go, in the most popular papers in Korea. One of the many perks of being wealthy but I know you wouldn't be able to understand."

"You bitch." I spat, anger bubbling inside me.

"Yes well, I'd say exact same to you, little miss bitchy." She feigns laughter and it takes everything in me not to take the designer bag in her clutches and beat her with it, "you don't want poor little chimchim, to have to undergo such a scandal now would you?"

"Leave him alone. It's me you don't like!"

"But to get it him, I have to get rid of any competition and that IS you." Tears sting my eyes and I close them briefly, as to not let them fall down my cheeks.

I love this man, with every fibre in my being. But he's worked so hard, building the foundations to make such a successful company. A company branded with his name. How can I let my feelings potentially tarnish all his work. He'd resent me even then. I can't win in this situation, either way I lose him.

Follow Your Heart | jirose Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora