• chapter 20 • BRAND NEW

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Chaeyoung's Pov

Swiping the keycard to my apartment building, I balance groceries in my left hand while manoeuvring the door. Successfully entering, it's to my dismay that I realise the elevator is broken.

Huffing and muttering curses under my breath, I start ascending up the stairs, thinking about how I'm going to journey up to the thirteenth floor while lugging the heavy bags in my hands.

Due to the breakup, I had resorted to a diet of fast food and takeaway and my skin was not thanking me for it. However, cold pizza for breakfast had slowly become a frequent norm that I wasn't opposed to.

I took it upon myself to leave my apartment building and buy some produce, that could actually contribute to bettering my health, rather than shortening my lifespan.

But honestly this is what I get for trying to be healthy. I should be making the delivery guy climb thirteen flights of stairs to give me my food, yet here I am, beads of sweat now forming on my forehead, heaving four full bags, that were threatening to split.

Maybe I'd finally reached the stage of a breakup, where you feel like doing something to help your body and well-being. I contemplated going to the gym but quickly dismissed the thought when my stomach growled. Man, I could really eat right about now.

I finally arrive at my apartment door and am nearly saved from the burning sensation centred at my hands from holding the bags but before I can drop them to the ground in victory, I hear shuffling inside my flat.

Concerned, I lean against the door to try and hear, maybe I'm being robbed? I don't know what they'd even take, my avocado plushie? What if it's a stray animal, omo a kitty! Fuck, I can hear them muttering... a talking kitty...

Clearly the irrational side of my brain was taking over, as the sleepless nights and poor eating was catching up with my system.

Placing the bags down slowly, I remove a cucumber from one of them, holding it tightly in my hand, as I quietly swivel the key inside the lock.

Springing open the door, I lunge in and move to throw the vegetable weapon at the criminal invading my home. Only to lower the green sword at the sight in front of me.

My living room had been transformed into a fort, strung up by white bed sheets, flung in an orderly fashion to create a den. Fairy lights surround the base and the inside houses an array of cushions, through-pillows and blankets.

"YAAAAahh...hhhuh?" Confusions sizzles inside me as I look to find the culprit. Emerging shyly from my kitchen, non other than Park Jimin slinks into my vision.

"Erm hi..." he presses out an awkward frail smile as I scowl at him.

"Jimin! You nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought I was being robbed! I could've-"

"Hit me with a cucumber?" He chuckles, looking at the food in my hand which I was waving about in the haze of my frustration. My unamused expression makes his laughter stop.

"Aish, what're you doing here?" I sigh, grabbing the grocery bags and putting them on my kitchen counter.

"I wanted to talk to you." I hadn't realised he was so close until I turned round and his lips nearly met mine.

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