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It was the ship's bell that woke Peter fourteen days later. He had practiced his powers late last night and had almost mastered it. He sat up and then remembered why the bell rang.

They had arrived.


After the security checks (the metal arm was a pain), customs and a hell lot of registration and work, Peter had made it back to the USA. He had arrived at San Francisco, California. He gazed at Alcatraz Island and thought that if he would've ended in there when the police or Avengers caught him if the jail was still open.

Peter began traveling once more. He worked at a small diner for a while until he got enough money to take a bus to Las Vegas, Nevada.

As the bus drove, Peter couldn't stop hearing the sound stuck in his head, Nevada by Vicetone and Cozi Zuehlsdorff. The lyrics did kind of describe his thoughts now;

'Cause before you go and walk away,

Yeah you better know where your going.

He was trying to walk away from his problems. And yes, he didn't know where he was going though sometime on the ship his brain had made a decision to take him back towards New York.

Where would Peter go if he ever got there?

Where in the wilderness could he settle down?


Peter stayed in Las Vegas for a while to collect money for his next two trips. He worked in a bar and occasionally got into fights with some gangs. The fights were a great opportunity to practice his powers.

One  day he was walking by the TV when he saw the headline.

"Tony Stark arriving in Las Vegas tomorrow morning."

After some questions directed at the barista, Peter learned that Mr Stark would be here for a business meeting with some wealthy man in this bar. The bar Peter worked at.

Oh what even was his luck.


Peter arrived at work that day to see a limo pull into the massive parking lot out back. He was sure Mr Stark never wanted to see him again and neither did Peter want to see him. The grudge they help over Harley Keener was enough to ruin their mentor mentee relationship. Throughout the day Peter kept making excuses to take a rest and go to the bathroom until Stark had left. No one noticed him being extra careful.

Wait, since when did Peter change 'Mr Stark' to 'Stark'?

It was natural for Peter. He had been through way more than him so he could call him that now. Besides, he no longer looked up to him. Peter had never dared to call him that, ever. But now he did.


A good name for the man that partially ruined his life.


Peter took the bus to St. George and then all the way to Denver. He worked there for a while and then traveled to Kansas City. He stayed ina another diner as a waiter until he had enough money for another trip. He was planning to go straight to Indianapolis and then to Washington. It wasn't the best plan but it was the cheapest. Peter never understood why that people like Stark, who had ruined many people's lives sitting on a private plane to everywhere while those people he had hurt or betrayed had to go the hard way. Desperately trying to survive in this harsh world. Peter would just never know nor understand.

One thing he did understand though, was just how dark humanity can be. In his mind, he used Stark as his example of the darkness that overtook him and left him with no hope or will to live.

But Peter had survived.

And he wasn't going to waste that. He was going for revenge.

Not only against Keener, but against Stark as well.



Finally! After almost a year and nine months the trail is over! It went on for a while longer than Loki had thought but he was still really happy for being able to return to Midgard and see Peter again. He called upon the Bifrost and Heimdall brought him right back into the living room of the Tower of the Stark Tower.

"Where's Peter?"

Let's just say Loki was pissed at all the Avengers (except Nat) and went straight out to try and find his blood brother.


Peter rode a bus from Kansas City to Indianapolis. He then switched vehicles and went to Washington. He got another job and worked for a week so he had enough money to get to the Big Indian Wilderness, North of New York, where he decided he would live in. He took the bus and got there soon.


Peter had entered the forest cautiously, exploring the depths until he had found a suitable place for setting up camp. At first, he had only made a crude shelter. It was like a hut, but it would collapse if there was a strong wind. Peter then made an underground dwelling in the side of a hill and paved the inside with stones. He wove a mat using grass to cover the cold floor. It wasn't that bad but he needed something more.

Peter climbed a tall tree. He had been planning on making a treehouse ever since he was little though he never thought that it would be finally built under these circumstances. He made multiple platforms and stable huts in the tree. It was like a small village and Peter liked it. He had made a spear and used it to defend himself against animals and catch fish. The tree Peter lived on was massive. It was probably bigger than his apartment building back home. No, it wasn't his home anymore, he thought to himself. He couldn't bear to see that place ever again. Peter focused on making his life in the forest better and better until one day, he decided on going into the city.


The main reasons?

He wanted to see what had changed.

He needed some cloth and fabric for clothes.

He wanted weapons.

He needed some backup money.

So he walked the whole way to Manhattan with his backpack on his shoulder and the knife on his belt.


I am trying to edit my story. Hope it works.

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