Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"We'll come back to the Royal Call after I've shown you the truth." Lin said as he swam towards the throne room.

There were many places I avoided at the palace. Being honest with myself meant admitting that I only ever went to my room in the palace. Everywhere else had too many memories. The throne room was one of those places.

Recalling my parents aiding the many mer who visited, and the never ceasing chatter only saddened me. The silence of the massive room overwhelmed me.

I kept my eyes averted from the one prominent thing in the room, but Byron didn't, "is that the trident?" Byron asked excitedly but I didn't answer him, I couldn't.

Ever since the destruction I had vivid dreams about the trident. I saw myself touching it and setting things to right. With the trident in my hand I saw mer everywhere. I always awoke from those dreams so hopeful only to remember the truth. From the first day of having those dreams, I avoided even glancing at the trident.

"Yes," Lin's voice boomed and I startled backwards after being lost in my thoughts. "The Gods delivered that trident to protect mer kind. It is said that immense power hides within the trident. No royal mer has ever found the power to harness it, so we may never know." Lin answered, but I kept my eyes averted.

"That's fascinating." Byron released my hand to go and look the trident even more carefully.

"Don't touch it! Only one of royal blood can ever hold the trident. On the naming day of every royal, they hold the trident to try to find the wealth of power. Until one finds the power, it lives here in the throne room."

Lin kept talking while sadness enveloped me. I should've touched the trident on my naming day, but I never got the chance. Now I worried over touching it with my dreams creating such bizarre scenarios. Surely I couldn't be the one to initiate the powers it held.

"We will complete all of your naming day rituals, Coralina. Now that we have found each other, your naming day will finally have its conclusion." Lin's words struck heartache, a dose of fear and a tinge of anticipation through me.

"I don't think my naming day really matters anymore, Lin." My voice sounded hollow.

"Coralina, What does a naming day mean for one of the royal blood?" Lin turned to me with a soft smile and an encouraging wave of his hand.

"Everything." I said as I stared off into the distance.

"Be more specific." He urged.

"After the naming day, everything has a firmer goal for the future. It's a time where I can first accept a mer bond. Can I use the Royal Call successfully? If yes, I'll make an excellent leader. Can I call the power of the trident that no other mer can?  Once again if yes, that's an outstanding achievement. The naming day pinpoints the future for that mer." I labelled a few of the specifics.

"Correct, and you never had yours. Even Byron has had his." Lin pointed to Byron who remained staring at the trident in abstract fascination.


"Yes, I ran Byron through a normal naming day ritual."

"What did it show?" I couldn't hide my curiosity.

"It showed him as something that neither of us expected, he showed up as a shark." Lin grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I jerked backwards a bit. Named as a shark was rare and quite a joyous time. Sharks were known as those who had a nasty bite if riled, but were leaders. They were the ones who took charge, did what needed to be done, and were the ultimate heroes of the mer world.

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