Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lin led us back into his fortified home. It didn't take me long to figure out that the destruction of our people had affected Lin and I in different ways. He had taken a defensive position while I had drifted through and tried to make the best of what I had.

"I still can't believe it's really you, Coralina. The second I thought those mer destroyers had left, I went back to the palace. There was... nothing but devastation." Lin's voice cracked as he spoke.

"You wouldn't have found me because I went to my secret place. I hid there for a long time while I considered what to do." I admitted.

"Secret place?" Lin arched his brows at me.

"It's where I kept my most personal things and it was far from the palace."

"Why did you have to hide your personal things?" Byron asked with a frown.

I shifted around a little as I tried to think of the best words to use, "my eldest brother didn't like me very much and he enjoyed being a mean mer to me."

"Grouper was a terrible mer to everyone," Lin glowered. "Imagine where mer would be if when he picked up the trident it gave him power."

"Mer may have survived if Grouper could've wielded the tridents power." I pointed out but that only deepened Lin's glower.

"Coralina, you always saw everything with too much positivity. Mer were turning as dark and deceptive as the humans." Lin swished a hand creating ripples that made me sigh.

"It wasn't that bad." I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

"Yes, it was and I can prove it to you if you like." Lin's confidence left me feeling uncomfortable.

"How can you prove that mer were turning bad?" I stared at Lin.

"Haven't you ever wondered why the humans ended up with such control over the oceans?" Lin enquired in an almost casual voice.

"I've never considered it before." I had to admit.

"Grouper gave them access so he could cement his control in both the mer and the human world."

"No! How would you know this?"

As much as I didn't get along with my now dead older brother, I couldn't picture him doing such a thing. The ocean was our home. Why would he want to pollute it with anything human?

"You know of the prophecy of the blue moon?" Lin asked still remaining calm.

"Of course." I stated as if it was an obvious comment.

"There is more than one prophecy that the palace holds secret. Before I take you and show you, I want you to promise me that you'll keep an open mind. Much of the information will either shock you, disgust you or even both." Lin's serious demeanour made me hesitate.

"Why do you know of this information?"

"Your father knew he would die that day. He left all of his secrets with me, so that I could teach the one royal mer who he would save. There was a reason I never attended your naming day. Your father needed me to survive to be able to teach you."

I couldn't take in his words. With a quick flick of my tail, I flew backwards only to find arms that wrapped around me tight. Glancing up at Byron, I saw solemn aquamarine eyes. He nodded to me as if to encourage me forward, but I froze instead.

"Why did my father choose me? Why did he save me and not one of my siblings?" it took me a moment to speak clearly, but Lin waited.

"Coral, you were the only potential ruler after your father. All of your siblings were selfish, greedy beasts who only saw their own goals and not the future of mer." Lin told me.

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