Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Hey, Coral, are you ready for us tonight?" a familiar voice snapped me from my day dreaming.

I glanced up to see my friend Donovan looking through my booth window at me. Her grin had such enthusiasm. She had the shortest reddish hair that I had ever seen, with eyes so brown that always exuded warmth. I could never judge the age of humans, but she was definitely not a merling.

My previous night continued to muddle up my mind and distracting me so I forgot the world around me. It made me glad Byron had left earlier to deal with something else at the aquarium.

"Good morning, Donovan. Yes, I am ready to see you both tonight, but you know how our aquarium sold recently..." I trailed off wondering how to say my next words.

"Yes. Is it going to be a problem with us coming after hours?" Donovan frowned.

"No, but the owner wants to meet you."

"He wants to meet us?" Donovan squeaked.

"That is what I said. Do you have confusion over my wording?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. You just surprised me. Okay, I'll tell Mel."

"I don't think we should mention the mermaid club either. It might come across wrong to him." I added and she winked at me.

"We'll keep it all hush hush, I promise. I'll see you the same time tonight as always."

"Yes, the same time." I agreed with a nod.

She wriggled her fingers in a wave, so I returned her gesture before she left. My nerves took over me then. Knowing I intended to introduce my human friends to Byron kept my mind distracted.

My mind would then divert to the kiss we had shared. Yes, it had its effect in him forgetting about my dive into the water, but now it was all I could think of. Thoughts of him, reminders of that kiss and knowing it had firmed the bond between us continued to plague me.

It wasn't bad, in fact it left me delighted most of the time. The rest of the time I worried over the growing bond between us and what to do about it.

The day past quickly with my mind diverted. Even when Byron didn't return he managed to stay at the forefront of my thoughts. Knowing that he owned the aquarium gave me the realisation that he wouldn't always be here in the booth beside me. That left me quite deflated. As much as he confused me, I found myself missing his presence beside me.

"Coral, sorry I've been away for so long. There's been a few dramas."

Byron came into the booth with a rush of sea spray aroma that made me drag in a long breath to inhale more of it. He'd spoken but I'd hardly heard a word that he said. All I could do was to stare at the wonder of him.

After he spoke, he ate a few bites of whatever he had in his hand. It smelt odd and I wrinkled my noise at the odour. Human food really was very weird.

"What drama?" I eventually asked.

"Susie no longer works here. When I told her who I was, she began touching me in ways she shouldn't ever touch her boss." He admitted with a shake of his head.

"Who's in charge?" I asked knowing that humans liked consistency in their lives.

"Me, but that's okay. Everyone had to find out eventually. I have to go back but I wanted to check that you were fine here on your own."

I didn't miss the pointed way he stared at me. It made me quite breathless and desperate for my gills. If only he were mer. That thought thrust a dose of salt water over me. He wasn't mer and he would always be a human man.

Treasuring the last mermaid (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now