Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"I've only got one thing to ask of you, no, actually make that two." Byron interrupted my dizzy, blinding hope that I still had running through me at his comment.

"Um, what are they?" I managed to reply.

"I'd like to meet your friends tomorrow night when they visit the aquarium. The second thing is that I'd like you to keep the information I told you to yourself for awhile. There's a third thing." He pointed a cheeky grin my way that I never expected.

"I'm fine with doing these things you've mentioned. What's the third thing?"

"Would you hold my hand?"

I watched as he opened his hand and wiggled those fingers at me. Once again, I had frozen in my seat. If I touched his fingers, the mating bond would come to life between us. Dare I encourage a mating bond with a human?

"I didn't mean to pressure you," Byron pulled his hand away before I had made my decision. "We can take as long as we want in getting to know each other, if that's what you want to do."

"I'd prefer not to rush things." I said on a breath of relief.

"Then that's how we'll move forward."

"If you're the boss, why are you selling tickets?" I decided that a change of subject was my best approach now.

He sat back and pondered my question. As much as I enjoyed having him close to me, it made it hard to focus. I had a lot more questions about why he had bought up all of the aquariums, including where I worked.

"I like to get to know most of my employees before I go through and make any changes in a new aquarium. I'll change positions every week or so. That's when people try to figure out who I am. Once I've met everyone, then I'll introduce myself as the owner of the aquarium." He explained.

"I see. What's the end goal? If you own all of these aquariums, what do you intend to do with them all?" I asked still a bit confused over his motives.

"I intend to release the animals healthy enough back into the oceans they come from. My most important goal is to make all of my aquariums into rehabilitation centres for aquatic life. Once the animals are well enough, we'll return them to the ocean. If any animals are too injured or sick to return, we'll provide a home for them." Byron laid out all of his plans and I'm sure my mouth popped open.

He intended to look after my friends and no longer exploit them. That made me weak with gratitude and relief that somebody besides me cared. I had a desperate need to hug him, but I stayed where I was.

"That means you won't make any money from the aquarium anymore." My thoughts tumbled out of me.

"We'll still have displays of the animals that we can't put back in the oceans, but we will make less money. I want the public to see that rehabilitation is a great idea. Plus, I'm much like you, Coral, I don't need or want money." He shrugged.

"You're going to look after all ocean life." I stated and he nodded.

"That's my intention, and I'm going to do the best I can to achieve that goal."

"I'm not sure what to say."

"Do you think it's what I should do?" his eyes darted away as if worried over my opinion.

"I think it's a brilliant idea, and it works in with what I made as my life new goal in life too." I murmured the last part.

"What's your new goal?"


"You just said you have a new goal. Are you going to tell me what it is?" he nudged my arm with his.

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