Chapter XIII

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( I guess it's still not a bad idea to put a trigger warning, because of the mention of blood and fights, verbal abuse )

{ POV Jorge }

It was 7:32 a.m as I warily opened my eyes. 

"Ouch", I whined as I noticed that the bedsheets stuck to my right arm. I carefully tried to detach them.

I distorted my face when I looked out of the window. My body felt weak, I absolutely had no power to even lift myself from the bed. I searched through the drawer next to my bed and found caffeine pills, exactly what I was looking for. I look 5 of them since they couldn't do much damage to your body and even if they could, I wouldn't care. I let myself sink into the bedsheets again, waiting for the pills to kick in. 

It took about 20 minutes until I was fully awake and got up.

I was wearing a white sweater while sleeping and a lot of blood had soaked through it. It was impossible not to notice it. I went to the bathroom and tried to wash them out as good as possible. Since all my other long-sleeved shirts and hoodies were in the washing machine or at Benji's house I needed to wear this sweater. The temperature wasn't as high as it used to be the past few days.

I put on the nearest sweatpants I could find and sat down on my bed again. 

I just sat there for around an hour, thinking of how I should tell Benjamin how sorry I am.

"I guess I'll just jump right into it"

I staggered downstairs and explained to my mom why I barely talked to her in the past few days.

I walked through the door and started walking down the street. 

When I was almost at Benji's house I took a deep breath.

It was Monday at 10 a.m, I knew his parents weren't home because of work.

I almost collapsed when I pressed the doorbell of his house.

{ POV Benji }

I was already wide awake when the doorbell rang. 

"Oh my god, who the fuck is that", I groaned.

I sprinted down the hallway and opened the door.

"What a surprise", I snapped at Jorge.

His eyes filled with tears, when he saw that I wasn't happy at all to see him. 

But it was weird. This was the first time I wasn't excited to see him when he was coming over. 

He didn't say anything for a few seconds so I shut the door.

"No, Benji! Wait!", Jorge's voice cracked.

I got a bit annoyed but still opened the door again. 

"Listen, I never meant to hurt you. I was just... really drunk and had no control over my behaviour and I know that it was not okay and I hate myself for it.

Benjamin, I love you. Only you, you are the only one for me, ever. I am so sorry for what I've done."

Tears shot into my eyes. 

I loved him but I just couldn't forgive him.

It hurts so bad having him in front of me.

"Pack your shit and go, Jorge."

He didn't say anything and just started to cry more. 

I went up to my room, making Jorge follow me. 

I was waiting on the doorstep and the crying boy started to get his clothes from the floor as I noticed red stains on the sleeves of his sweatshirt.

My heart stopped but I knew I was wrong. He wasn't hurting himself, was he?

He wouldn't do that.

But he hides his arms with the sweater. 

He does that all the time.

But this time it's different.

Don't be silly.

What if he really did it?

As if... he would never...

My thought started fighting again.

Jorge turned to look me in the face.

"Benji I love you! I would never have done that, be basically rushed his lips onto mine!", he whined, tears flooding his face.

"But you kissed back, Jorge."

Jorge just stood there, face to the ground, his wrists shew off and I could clearly see the cuts.

"Jorge?", I came closer.

He looked up and did the same.

I leaned in and whispered: "Get out of my sight."


Probably my favourite chapter so far. 

Btw, do y'all still even enjoy my story? I promise the drama will be over soon, but I barely get any reads. :(

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now