Chapter VI

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{ third-person perspective }

Benji couldn't believe Jorge was taking this step, he thought he was way to upset.

"I also think so", the taller boy replied.

Jorge finally hugged Benji and squeezed him very tightly, as he closed his eyes.

"So, will you be my boyfriend, Benji?",Jorge mumbled.

 It sounded so cute because he was snuggling into Benji's hoodie.

"I will be your boyfriend", Benji answered, smiling and pulling Jorge closer to his chest.

The hug lasted for a kinda long time until Jey got an idea.

"You know what? We should go out. But not like in a restaurant, I maybe thought we could go to a club, I remember you love clubbing."

"That's sweet of you, Jorge, but you know there's never much free space in a club and many people and these are the two things you probably hate the most."

Jorge: "Yes! That's the plan. I will overcome my anxiety maybe a little bit and we'll hopefully have a nice date night out. Also... I'll do you this favor because I overreacted and said inappropriate things to you earlier."

Benji: "You're honestly so sweet but you really don't have to do this for me."

Jorge: "I'm doing it for us", he smiled and pulled Benji into his own house.

"Get dressed. Look as good as you can, I mean if it can get any better I'll collapse.", Jorge's cheeks turned red as he continued talking.

He was so charming and it made Benji turn red like a damn tomato. 

But he was right, it was time to get dressed.

"This, or that?", Benji asked and couldn't decide if he should wear a dark blue shirt or a black shirt.

"It doesn't matter anyway, you look good in everything, but preferably the blue one.", Jorge smiled.

"Gentleman", the brown-eyed boy rolled his eyes.

Jorge stood up from Benji's bed and went to his boyfriend. He hugged him and pulled himself close to Benji's chest.

"You're mine now", he said quietly.

Benji's heart warmed and filled with love and happiness. It has been a while since he felt this way, actually he thought, he never felt this kind of a connection to somebody before.

"I love you, Jorge"

"I love you, too, Benji"

"But now, let's head off", Jorge continued.

{ time skip }

Benji: "Soo we're here, are you sure you really want to do this?"

Jorge: "Yes! I am. I'll be fine, baby"

Awww... Benji freaked when he noticed that Jorge called him 'baby'.

The two boys walked downstairs, where the dancefloor was located, as soon as they arrived Benji got two mango-vodka shots for each of them.

"Cheers, love", he said as he handed Jorge one of the two shots he bought for him.

"Cheers, Benji"

They both instantly sipped their glasses empty.

"Would you excuse me? I need to pee", Benji explained.

Jorge was waiting at the bar, looking at all the people dancing and drinking, when suddenly a girl sat next to him.

"Hey, handsome", she said, obviously trying to flirt.

"Yah, hey.", Jorge replied, definitely not showing even a tiny bit of interest.

"What makes you come here", she asked.

"Uhm- actually... I'm on a date with my boyfr-"

"Rose? What the hell are you doing?", Benji interrupted.

"Benjamin? Well, I was just talking to this gentleman", She replied, putting her hand to Jorge's chest, pulling him closer.

"Yeah, right. That gentleman is my boyfriend, now get your fucking dirty hands off him", the tall boy pushed in between the two, putting his arm around Jorge.

Rose was just standing there in shock.

"Leave... Rose. Was this clear enough?", Benji added.

She finally backed off.

"I'm so sorry, Benji.", Jorge looked up at his boyfriend.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have talked to her. I should have just said that I am taken from the beginning."

"Aw, Jorge. You care too much. It's fine. She came up to you. Also... I heard you were saying that you're here with your boyfriend, I just interrupted."

"I love you, Benji."

"I love you too."

"Now, come on!", Jorge pulled Benji to the dancefloor.

As soon as they reached the dancefloor "Go Loko" by Tyga started playing.

Benji exactly knew Jorge loved songs like these to dance.

"You know what to do", Benji said, winking at Jey. 

As soon as the lyrics went "My bitch go loco... " Jorge started to swing his hips. A few seconds into the song he looked down at Benji.

"Benji Krol... are you hard?", he said ironically.

The taller boy got clearly embarrassed. 

Jorge put his arms around his mans neck and kept on swinging his hips to the beat.

"Lol, how couldn't I get hard.", Benji raised one eyebrow with a dirty smile on his face.


ksudfzcaiweubf, that violated the law!!

HOrny. PeoPle don'T deServe to LivE.

I hope you're still enjoying the story. <3

Also! My socials: 

illpines on instagram

lukawithk on TikTok

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now