Chapter VII

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{ Jorge's POV }

Did he just confirm, that he's hard?


My face got so hot and heat flow through my body.

At that moment I didn't feel my nervousness at all.

Every negative thought was gone and I didn't even mind the hundreds of people, dancing and jumping around us. 

Everything that mattered was us. 

You and me, Benji. 

We're here, can you believe? 

If someone would've asked me about my love life a few days ago I would've started crying because of remembering the thousands of nights I cried myself to sleep.


"Jorge? Are you good?", Benji dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Yes! I am fine! Never been better."

I smiled at him and caught his hand as I tugged him out of the club.

"Where are we going?", Benji was confused.

"shh", I placed my finger over my lips as I pulled my boyfriend with me.

After a few minutes of running, we reached the place. I just had an urge to come back here.

"Here we are", I let go off Benji's hand.

"Oh my god, is this the bank?", he quickly noticed it was the place we first met.

"Clever boy"

I couldn't even continue talking when Benji already pushed me on that bench and pulled me in for a kiss. I wasn't prepared at all for that. Not so soon after I kissed back.

He pulled me closer and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I love how he's still a little bit of a fuckboy sometimes. When he just does the things he wants, that's so hot.

Okay well, I'm such a bottom. Oh.

{ later that night }

"Jorgeee... can we go and get some strawberries? Please...", Benji groaned.

"Yah, sure, I guess... there's a 24h shop around the corner.", I suggested.

"Amazing, let's get there.", he got excited.

Benji got his strawberries and I obviously got ... maybe a few bananas.

We just went to the nearest park and placed somewhere underneath a tree, it didn't matter anyway because there was no sun or anything. Clearly. It was about 3 a.m.

"I wanna fuck...", Benji pouted.

"What?", I wasn't sure if he really just said what I heard.

"Oh nothing, I just said that... the clouds look like a dikkk."

"Are you high? ... no, drunk! Drunk is the right word. Are you drunk?", my not-so-good English skills kicked in, "You know it's dark and there are no clouds.".

"Jorge! NO! How dare you aking me that?",  Benji was fake-horrified.

"Oh my god, we're gonna end up in jail...", I whispered to myself.

He definitely couldn't handle alcohol as well as I do. Which was ... weird? I mean, he's the one who used to go to clubs every weekend and probably also got drunk there. Once he even told me that he went on a public rave where he had such a crash that the ambulance needed to take him home. 

"Can we get a lizard, Jorge?"

"Oh my god, sometimes I wish, selling people wasn't illegal.", I remarked to him.

"Baby... d-do you really wanna sell m-me?", he wrapped both of his arms around me and pouted for so long that tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"Benjamin. God damn it... can you stop being absolutely lovable for once? I am trying to be mad.", I fake-blamed him.

"Why you mad?", Benji pulled a face, still literally hanging on me.

"Because you are drunk and an annoying ass bitch", I kissed his nose, I wasn't actually mad at him, I just loved teasing him and seeing how he became such a baby.

"Hoe's mad... hoooe's maaad.", Benji started singing.

"No! It's enough shut up, buba", I tried to put my hands in front of his mouth so he will shut it.

"Make me, baby?", he winked.

Evidently, I knew what he meant and I unquestionably agreed.

Immediately I rushed him into a kiss.

And maybe I was weak. 

Maybe he convinced me for more when we were home. Just maybe.


Uu!!!11!1 Tea!11

I really love writing drunk Benji, lmao, it's cute and weird and cringy. Perfect blend.

Aalllllso, I am kinda out of ideas, so if you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate and take them. :) 

Good night, my guys. <3

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