Chapter V

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(Hello, y'all, don't get confuzzled, at this point the story will continue in a third-person perspective, please comment if it's bothering you while reading. :))

It was around 8 a.m and Benji slowly managed it to open his eyes and got almost blind by the light, that was shining through his window. 


That was not the only thing blinding him. Jorge was the other thing, he was lying next to himand he was just so damn adorable. Benji accidentally snapped the blanket away from him at night.

He covered him with the sheets and sat next to him.

Benji's phone lit up, he got a text.

"I love you and I miss you", the dark brown-haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Exactly what I needed", he thought and decided not to text back.

He crawled out of the bed trying not to wake up Jorge and walked into the bathroom where he washed his face and brushed his teeth as soon as he finished, he drowned in his thoughts while staring in the mirror.

"Benji Krol, you fucking suck.", he heard a voice say behind him.

At first, he didn't notice, but when he realized that it was Jorge's voice he instantly turned around, but he was already gone. 

"Oh no... shit, fuck no.", Benji said to himself running after Jorge.

He knew exactly what was wrong with him. 

Benji almost fell downstairs. 

"Jorge! Wait!", he yelled.

Jorge already gave up running and now stamped down the driveway to the street.

"Fuck off, Benji"

"Jorge, please, let me explain, it's not what it looks like."

"It's never what it looks like, isn't it?", Jorge stopped and turned around, so he could look at Benji.

Benji reached out for his hand but the smaller boy instantly twitched it away.

"Don't touch me"

JeyJey's eyes were clearly filled with tears, as he walked further away. 

"And don't follow me, Benjamin"

{ POV Benji }

Ouch. That hurt. 

He never called me Benjamin. 

"You did this, Benji... this is your fault, you see what you have done?", I said to myself as I broke out in tears. 

Okay, I clearly need to make this up, even tho it really wasn't like Jorge thought it was.

It was hard to stay optimistic this moment, so I decided to go inside and just cry out all the pain, I guess. 

I grabbed my phone and started to write a text, but not for Jorge. It was for her.

"Rose, listen. You need to stop. Like... right now. I told you how I feel about you. Can' you just stop plopping in my life again, when you feel like it? Get over the thing we've been through, get over everything, over the memories and every 'I love you' I said...", 

the sadness turned to anger and the text got more intense and hateful

"I don't love you and I never did, stop manipulating my mind, I know what a snitch you are, and what you have done to me. It was your fault I couldn't open up so someone in a very long time and now I finally did, but you know who ruined it again? It was you. As always."

With not even a tiny amount of regrets, I hit the 'send' button.

I took my AirPods and hit shuffle on my sad songs playlist.

After a few tears and sad songs later I heard the doorbell.

I was sure it was the postman so I ignored it.

First of all, he throws the post in front of our door anyway and second, my eyeballs were so red, you could confound them with the mars.

Over 2 minutes passed without the doorbell shutting up, so I decided to go downstairs anyway. 

I opened the do-

"Here. Your clothes, I don't want them.", Jorge handed me the short and the shirt I gave him yesterday. 

I was petrified, but I knew I would have to react, it would've probably been my last chance. 

"Jorge, wait, please.", I said in a broken tone.


He sounded so annoyed and disappointed, my heart stung.

"There is something you should know"

He replied with a short "Go on".

"Listen, you make me the happiest person alive and the message you read from Rose, it's nothing. Rose was my last girlfriend. I never loved her and the only thing she did was manipulating me. Sometimes she just thinks she needs so give me a hit again and tells me that she loves me, but I don't, I would never love her. I'm not even texting her... since a very long time, actually. 

Jorge, you're the one that I love, and only you."

I could tell there were a couple of tears running down Jorge's cheek... and mine too.

"I am such an idiot... ", Jorge said, while hiding his face with his hands, "I thought, you cheated! ... well kind of, I mean, you're not my boyfriend...", his head lowered.

"I am still very sorry", I reached my hands out for Jorge to come in for a hug. 

"Benji, I don't think we're meant to be this way..."

My mouth dropped and my heart stopped. He couldn't just end this here.

"...I think we should be boyfriends instead", he continued.


Hello, y'all THERE, YOU GO! HAVE SOME TEA! :)

Make sure to comment if you're okay with the third-person perspective and my writing style in general. :) ILu <33 

Good night :D

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now