Chapter III

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{ Jorge POV }

"What!?", I jumped out of my bed.

Guess, I was having a nightmare. Every time I'm alone my head decides to be a dumb bitch and fucks around. Not only at night tho, I also get hallucinations throughout the day. I see things like shadows following me and I hear voices in my head which are telling me what to do, but I guess everyone has their demons.

I heard my phone ring.

"That must be Benji!", I said quietly and got really excited about the thought.

But it wasn't him.

"Software update available", great, thanks, dear phone.

The day kind of passed by and I was expecting Benji to text me, I mean, he gave me the little note with his phone number on it but he told me he would text me anyway and I am not mad about getting texted first, caused by anxiety.

{ time skip }

Three days passed by not getting a message from Benji. I was losing hope and thought we would never meet again. I got so sad thinking about never seeing him again, I already missed that guy. He was so tall and so handsome. A real gentleman.

I decided to take a bath, a bubble bath. I got some scented candles and tried to get somewhat of a romantic atmosphere since I felt so lonely. I took my clothes off and stepped into the bathtub. I leaned my head to the back where I put a towel as a pillow.


My head still hurt from what happened a few days ago. But I barely remember what happened exactly. The only thing I remembered perfectly was Benji. He quickly popped into my head again.

I let myself sink deeper into the water as I moaned breathly: "Benji... "

Seconds after my phone rang again.

"Not another software update"

But it was not an update. It was Benji. I gasped.

{ CHAT }

Benji: Hey JeyJey! This is Benji, I am really sorry for texting you that late but I was thinking a lot. I really need you right now, can we meet? Please, it's urgent.

Jorge: Hey, I am so happy you texted me! Is everything alright? U okay?

Benji: Parc del la Pegaso, 8 pm. Okay?

Jorge: I'll be there

Benji: Thank you; Jey. It means a lot


The conversation we had, gave me kind of an awkward feeling. It felt like something happened. I hope he's okay.

But wait, did he say 8 pm? That was already in 30 minutes!

I jumped out of the bathtub and got dressed at a gallop.

I put on dark blue jeans, a white shirt which I tucked into my pants.

Also, I almost forgot. Shoes; yes, converse.

I rushed out of the house, gladly my mom didn't hear it, I would have been fucked if she had found out that I'm gone. It took me around 20 minutes to get to the Park and I saw Benji waiting from the distance.

... and he was... crying?

"No! Benji! What happened?", I started to run at him.

I squeezed him tightly and he dug his head into my shoulder, which was so charming because he was taller than me.

"It's so good to see you again", he said and wiped away the tear, that just rolled down his cheek.

"I missed you so much", I simply said.

It felt so good to hug him. He gives me THE FEELING. I never felt this with someone before. But I was sure that he was not feeling that way I did. I think it took me less than two to realize that I have a huge crush on that guy.

"Listen, Jorge, the last few days... okay no, sit down first"

We sat down on the nearest bench we found and he continued talking, I was listening genuinely.

"Okay, promise me you won't say anything until I finished, okay? Because you're going to hate me afterward."

I nodded, I was so scared, I couldn't say anything.

"Oh my god, where do I start? So the last few days I was feeling like actual shit. Seriously you messed with my head like nobody did before and it made me feel terrible. It's not that YOU made me feel that way. It's more like I felt this way because you weren't there. After we met I went home and I couldn't stop thinking about you, I never thought about having boy-crushes but when I met you my world turned upside down and since then I can't stop thinking about you and your curly hair and your blushing face and the way you walk, you speak and smile.

That's it. You're allowed to hate me."

He teared up even more and I wasn't expecting him to be so emotional. I pulled him into a hug immediately. I didn't even want to let him go. I was so happy, I had butterflies in my belly.

"I think I love you, Benji", I said as quietly as I could.

Benji: "What? D-did you just..."

Jorge: "I said that I love you."


Well, guys. That was THE Chapter, I guess.

TBH, I am having fun writing this story, and I hope y'all are having fun reading. If you have any wishes, scenes or anything inside your head, put it in the comments below, maybe I'll pack it in the story :)

𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓉 - a #benjey storyWhere stories live. Discover now