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Simon always dreaded his training with Raphael. It wasn't just because Raphael was harsh, stubborn, and impatient - though that definitely was part of it - it was more so because of the awkwardness of it all.

He just always wished that the clan leader didn't have to take his shirt off. It wasn't that the sight of a shirtless Raphael bothered him - it was actually quite the opposite - it was just that it made it nearly impossible for Simon to control his fangs.

It was during training that he had to keep repeating to himself mentally not to reveal his fangs.

That was when he heard Raphael's voice say, "hello? Earth to Simon?" Simon blinked, snapping back into reality.

He tried to look the other in the eyes, locking his gaze there, but that proved to be difficult because abs. So, he found his eyes trailing down and looking there instead.

That was when he was snapped back into reality once again by a literal snap of Raphael's fingers.

"Hey! My eyes are up here," Raphael teased, smirking slightly.

If Simon wasn't so preoccupied with trying not to flash his fangs at the older vampire, he may have even taken the time to notice that the other had just potentially cracked a joke.

"Sorry," Simon said, speech slightly slurred by extending fangs.

Quickly, Simon put his hand over his mouth, covering his fangs. He then turned around to face the opposite wall.

"Shit," he cursed nervously.

He tried to get his fangs to retract, but it was hard to do at the thought of Raphael behind him, especially as he felt him begin to inch closer.

Simon flinched when he felt a cool hand touch his shoulder. It was probably for the best that he didn't see how Raphael rolled his eyes as he realized how far Simon had to go with his training. He swore sometimes it was like the fledgling didn't have vampire senses at all. Still, that wasn't the main concern, so he casted it aside.

"Simon. Simon, look at me," Raphael said, his tone even.

Simon shook his head.

"I️ can't," he replied.

Raphael sighed.

"Yes, you can. C'mon," he urged.

With much reluctance, Simon slowly turned around to face the other.

He tried to gasp in a breath, but the air felt thick with the tension between them. This time Simon did manage to lock eyes with the other, but it left him with an even worse feeling of vulnerability that was beginning to eat away a pit in his stomach.

"Control, Simon," Raphael instructed.

"I️ can't do it," Simon breathed through fangs.

Gently, the clan leader placed a hand on the fledgling's face, which did not help at all. All it did was make Simon want to kiss the other which - bad, no, no.

"Close your eyes," Raphael said softly.

Simon did as he was told, growing even more away of the other's touch as well as his general closeness to him as he cut off one of his senses.

"Just focus on my voice," Raphael said.

Considering that Simon found Raphael's voice sexy too, that wasn't exactly resolving the fang situation.

"Remember that you are in control," Raphael said.

Simon nodded.

"I️ am in control," Simon whispered, fangs retracting.

Raphael removed his hand from the other's face and took a step back as he opened his eyes.

"See? That wasn't so bad," Raphael said.

Simon shook his head.

"Raph, I️ think I️ need a new trainer," Simon blurted out.

Raphael raised an eyebrow.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Because..." Simon began.

Raphael tilted his head to the side slightly, growing impatient.

"Because what?" he asked.

Simon exhaled, trying to form any semblance of a coherent thought.

"Well, you're..." he began, trailing off again.

With that, Raphael took a step forward.

"I'm what?" he asked innocently, beginning to grow a bit smug, seeming to take a slight bit of vindictive pleasure from Simon's frazzled state.

"You're, uh, you're distracting," Simon finally managed to say.

"I️'m distracting?" Raphael reiterated.

Simon looked down at his feet.

"Yes, Raphael, you're distracting," Simon said.

Raphael shrugged.

"How so?" he said in the same smug fake innocent tone from before.

Simon looked back up.

"Because I️ mean how am I️ supposed to retain literally anything if I'm thinking about kissing my hot trainer the whole time," Simon blurted out.

Raphael raised his eyebrows.

Simon's eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said.

"Oh shit..." he cursed.

Raphael chuckled.

"How about we let that be an incentive?" Raphael suggested.

Simon was still staring at the other with wide eyes, mouth now agape.

"Huh?" he asked.

"If you can stop drooling over me and focus, then I'll let you kiss me," Raphael said, and while Simon could hardly believe his ears, even with his enhanced hearing, the training went much more smoothly after that.

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