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Simon knocked on Magnus's door furiously, struggling to keep himself upright. Not only was the pain from his abdominal wound getting more and more painful, but everything was beginning to go fuzzy and he felt himself growing more and more lightheaded from the blood loss. He gave one more harsh knock before finding himself doubled over in pain, groaning as he unsuccessfully attempted to regain his upright posture.

He managed to look up as he heard the door open, seeing Magnus's disapproving glance. He gave a deep sigh before stepping aside and gesturing for Simon to enter.

"What did you get yourself into this time?" Magnus asked as he closed the door behind him.

Simon collapsed on the sofa, hissing in pain as he clutched at the wound before answering.

"I️ was doing a favor for Clary," he explained, his voice strained from how much pain he was in.

Magnus clicked his tongue in a chastising manner as he shook his head at the fledging. He sighed as he exited the room before returning with gauze and sitting down next to the vampire.

Simon winced as Magnus began to apply the gauze.

"Hold still," Magnus instructed. "I️ don't want you bleeding all over my furniture."

Simon closed his eyes, focusing on holding still as Magnus continued.

"The bleeding should have stopped by now," Magnus pondered, a hint of concern in his voice.

Simon opened his eyes again, looking at the warlock. Magnus had a pensive expression on his face that was soon replaced by a look of disappointment as Magnus figured out why Simon wasn't healing.

"When was the last time you ate something?" Magnus asked, knowing that it most definitely wasn't recent enough.

Simon swallowed, his jaw clenching.

"Oh, you know, earlier..." Simon said.

Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"How much earlier?" he asked sternly. It was at that point that Simon had to redirect his gaze, unable to make eye contact with the warlock. He was silent for a moment, but that only prompted Magnus to ask again more forcefully.

Simon gave a resigned sigh.

"Three days? I️ think? Or maybe four. I don't know," he answered honestly, knowing that if he tried to lie Magnus would see right through it.

Magnus shook his head.

"Well, in that case, you're lucky that you didn't lose more blood, because if you have given your habits it could have been a lot more serious. I️ assume that Raphael is unaware of you neglecting your needs," Magnus responded.

Simon nodded, shoulders slumping slightly.

"Yeah, that's kinda why I️ came here instead of the DuMort. I️ didn't want Raphael to find out..."

Simon was interrupted by the sound of Magnus's door swinging open, causing both Simon and Magnus to direct their attention there. In the doorway stood a very angry looking Raphael.

"While I️ do always appreciate your visits, I️ would much you knocking over breaking my door," Magnus remarked.

Completely ignoring Magnus's comment, Raphael immediately rushed to Simon's side.

"Dios mio! What did you do this time?" Raphael asked.

When Simon was silent, Raphael looked to Magnus for a response.

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