Isa sat on my bed and grasped my hands in hers. "You don't usually call us over to talk about your problems so this must be affecting you greatly. I'm all ears." Keeva's head was buried in the bag and Isa went straight into chit chat. I don't think they noticed Caspien sitting right there. At all. "Oh and Dylan is downstairs waiting for you. Wink wink." She playfully shoved my shoulders while winking. I was at a lost for words. When I texted them to come over I only meant both Keeva and Isa alone. No one else. "We met him in your driveway when we just arrived. He said he wanted to check up on you. Cute, right?" She awed as I tried to keep up with her rant. That's when the screeching sound of the wheels on the office chair being scraped on the floor was heard. Caspien pushed back the chair away from him and headed for the doorway. Both Keeva and Isa's eyes followed him out the door. Caspien looked pissed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing. Great.

"He was here the entire time?!" Isa asked with wide eyes as Keeva smirked. "What were you guys doing?!" Isa questioned with a wide smile, her eyes sparkling. She was enjoying this.

"What weren't they doing? That list might be shorter." Keeva added in with a suggestive smirk.

"Guys we didn't do anything." I informed them, rolling my eyes.

"Except each other?" Isa asked and I smacked her with a pillow as I grinned. I wish. That would only happen in my dreams.

"Not the case. We were only talking." I defended as Keeva placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hon, lips can talk when you don't speak." I groaned, covering my ears. What a nuisance they were, giving me false hope like that.


I told Isa and Keeva everything. Starting from three years ago when Liam left up to yesterday's encounter with my father. They were completely shocked about some of the news. They knew my dad was rarely home and that we barely talked over the phone. What they didn't know though was he had another family. I was still surprised as the words escaped my lips when I told them. It still seemed like a terrible nightmare that I had yet to wake up from.

I also talked to Dylan after Isa and Keeva left. I didn't tell him everything. Only that my family situation was in a bad place and a divorce was yet to come. He comforted me like everyone I told did. He assured me that I would get through it like everyone else I told did. He even gave me the 'I'm here for you speech' and as you might have suspected, everyone else I told fed me that speech too.

The next few days were even more stressful. I felt like I was walking on broken glass. Each shard that jabbed at my foot was an obstacle in my life and the pain that came after was as a result of those obstacles. Caspien disappeared to God knew where. I hadn't seen him for two days now neither did he answered his phone. I was on edge the entire time. What if something bad happened to him? It would kill me.

Also within that same week, I told my mom about my little conversation with dad. Apparently he requested a divorce through the mail a week before she collapsed. She just never told me anything. That took me by surprise, honestly. She should have told me. In that way, I could have consoled her. I could have been there for her.

I found out that my mom didn't know about his new family. She cried like a baby. It made me want to slap Jason in the face with a concrete truck.

I hated seeing mom like that. She was already stressed out to the point where she collapsed and almost split open her head. To add such heart wrenching news on her list of worries could have been a crime in itself. At first, I regretted telling her about his other family but then I realised it was better to tell her now than later. She deserved to hear it from me than someone else.

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