When her eyes finally met the very top, there she can see an image of all her friends illuminated by the deep green light. Each and every one of her friends looked terrified, with a line of green taking over them as if trying to possess their minds. They were drawn in a position that made them look helpless and weak. As if they were crying out for help but no one could hear them.

Feeling sick to her stomach, Lena let herself fall to her knees in fear. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. What or who would draw this? She leaned back and felt a hard stone near her left hand. She looked down to see it was a pink colored gem, gleaming a bright light. It seemed so much happier and comforting than the green gems around her. Near that gem were other colored one. Violet, blue, red, and light green. Each with a soft glow. Feeling drawn to them, Lena reached her hand out to grab them but a sudden hand grabbing her wrist nearly caused her heart to jump out of her chest.She looked up and nearly screamed when her eyes met two glowing green eyes.

Right in front of her were all of her friends. Webby was grabbing her wrist with Dewey, Louie, Huey and Violet right behind her. But at the same time it wasn't them. They didn't have that friendly look or fun loving feel to them. Instead they held an eerie and stone faced look. Their heads were hanging to the side and their shoulders were slumped down. It looked like they were life size dolls, being pulled by invisible strings. Each of them wearing a glowing green gem around their necks. The gems looked like they were bits of shattered glass, tied around their necks.

Lena pulled her wrist away from Webbys hand and pressed her back against the cave wall. She tried to stand up but the fear in her body made her weak enough to stay in the ground. The 6 friends took some steps forward in perfect sync, keeping their glowing green eyes on the terrified girl. Lena kept pressing her back against the wall and listened to her heart beat become even louder with every second that past. She tried to talk, she tried to scream for help or beg for her friends to not let this thing take over them. But no thought in her mind made it to her voice. She was silenced by pure fear suffocating her. She couldn't bare seeing her friends like this, just the sight of them made her eyes shine with tears.

She pushed herself against the wall harder when Webby suddenly reached her hand out to her, with another shattered pieces of green gem in her hand. Lena looked at the necklace in terror, she didn't need words to know that this Webby wanted her to put it in like them. Lena shook her head no slowly, but Webby pushed the necklace closer to her. It was as if she was trying to mimic the real Webby. The movement, the cloths, and her friendly gestures. As an attempt to look friendly, this Webby let her beak form into a smile. Only it wasn't a sweet, gentle smile that brought happiness, this one looked forced and sent chills down her spine.

She wanted to look away but something in her told her she needed to look up. Her eyes began to trail up slowly, and as she did she spotted thin strings of glowing green light, trailing above her friends. The small strings of light lead all the way up to where there was no light at all. Hidden in the darkness above, two glowing eyes appeared, watching her fear in amusement.

That was it, that was all her little heart can take. All her fear, all the pressure finally made her scream at the top of her lungs.

Inside a room

“Lena? Lena wake up!!” A lady shook her awake with all her might.

“No!! Not again!!!” Lena screamed at the top of her lungs as if her life was coming to an end.

“Lena it’s ok!” The lady finally shook her awake causing Lena to launch out of her bed and fall onto the floor.

“He's back! Everyone hide!!” Lena was still in a panic and tried to get up to run if it wasn’t for the lady who woke her up.

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