"Welcome back to life man,"

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Crys aimed and shot the arrow to its eyes sending him to the ground. Now other zombies were notified by our presence.

Ty and Dave ran back to us and we all sped to the elevator. Once we were all in, I started punching the button to close. Bunch of them were running towards us but one was in the lead so close to enter. But it didn't because the door to the elevator closed.

Crys slid to the ground an sighed. "We are in a horror movie,"

Jessica's p.o.v

"Maybe they died," Jenn said quietly and earned a glare from Julie. "I was just kidding," she raised her hands in surrender. Right on time, the elevator opened and they walked out.

"Anyoung haseyo everyone. Guess what? We are alive," Jas joked earning a relief sigh from Julie. They all looked good and unbeaten, but crya who looked paler than usual. I don't blame her. It is normal to be pale in horror movie.

One room was opened and we rushed in. It was a clean room with nice aroma. The bed sheets were neatly made. It simply looked nice. I ran and jumped on the bed.

Man! This is relaxing.

"I am taking a shower," I heard Dave say followed by Ty.

"I'll take shower in the other room,"
"Where are we going?" Jake asked eating the food infront of him. It was now time for dinner and we were eating some canned food.

"It has been years since we went out of the house to play. Why went you let us play outside?" Steve said in his turn. But before we could answer for any of them another question was fired from Jake.

"Where are mom and dad?" He pouted. "I miss them,". In the month that passed we tried to call our parents so many times. But it never worked. At last we gave up. No one dared to answer his question as everyone ducked their heads and ate their food. Even we, are not sure what happened to them.

"Okay let's me tell you," Tyler started. "We are playing a game. A big game. Our goal is to find the Kingdom of Monsters. We find that Kingdom and we slay the Monsters. We will kill them and save all our parents from the Monsters.

"Are mom and dad with the Monsters? "Steve asked bleiving the ridiculous story.

"Yes and if you don't stop being annoying then the monsters will get you too," Jenn said smirking.

Jake and Steve gasped.

"And when you get caught," She continued. "We won't save you,"

Both of them gulped and kept quite afterwards. Jas obviously gave her hard glare but we all know that we are thankful that they stopped asking questions.

"Boys will be in the other room and girls we will stay here with the kids,"

"Why don't the kids stay with them?" I asked although I know why.

"No, they'll are better off with us,"

"You don't trust us?" Ty asked with a fake disbleif. Julie's answe was a flat no.

Dave clutched his stabbed heart and fall to the ground. Stabbed with distrust.

"Oh no! Dave no!" Ty played along. "I can't survive without you. Plus you are too young to die," He begged. "Oh Julie how could you do this to your own nephew,"

Julie rolled her eyes smiling. "Fine the kids can sleep with you but lock the door and be careful,"

"Dude, we know what to do how to do," He said waking up from death.

"Welcome back to life, man," Jenn patted his shoulders.

As planned the boys sleeped in the other room and the girls in this. Just in case anything happens, I was to be the watch half of the night and Jenn the other half. Bored as hell I was just staring at my phone my mind lost in world where I sat on a dragons back flying into the clouds.

what can i say? I was sleepy

Suddenly the phone buzzed and Alice's face popped up. Confused on why she was calling this late at night I picked it up and lifted it to my ear.

Alice? What the hell?

Jess! Thank god you are awake Sniff sniff

Whoa, you okay?

Whisper No, no Jess I am not

Alice calm and tell me what is going on

My mom my dad they.. They are.. Zombified


Are you.. Okay?

Yeah I am but I don't think for long.

I stood from the chair and headed to the bed. I shook Jenn violently "Wake up sleephead!" I whispered after groaning and shuffling a bit she woke up. I pointed at the phone and mouthed Alice

Alice you still there?

Yeah I'm here

"What's going on?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
I held the speaker and whispered "her parents are dead..well zombified actually,"
Her eyes widened and her mouth was slightly opened. I dragged her to the balcony so we wouldn't wake the others. But of course hid from sight of zombies.

Jen: Alice where are you now?

A: I *sniff* am at a tree house behind the house

Jen: you have a tree house *smile widely*

Jes: *smack Jen on the head*

Jen: ow! *glare* *smile apologitically*

Jess: *glare back* is it safe there?

Alice: yeah I guess *sniff* guys *start sobbing* I'm scared.

Jenn: look Alice you'll be okay alright. Calm down I promise you'll be fine

Alice: I can't calm down *freaks out* how long will I be able to survive in a tree house with no food but chocolate.

Jess: just till morning we'll come and get you. I promise

Alice and Jenn: really?

Jess: really

Alice: thanks guys.. I. Lo- lo-

Jenn: come on you can do it. Say it.

Alice: *sigh* I love you. Both. Very much

Jess: aww we lo lo love you too

And we spent the night talking and laughing forgetting the reality. Until it was few hours away from sunrise and we went back to the room after saying good bye.


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