From a distance he can smell the dinner leftovers in the kitchen, he can hear the soft snores of his child in his room, and although he wasn't there he closes his eyes and tries to picture how the whole day went. Solely based on the little things he can see, smell, hear around the house, he builds up a beautiful memory he unfortunately couldn't truly experience because his job just doesn't leave him any time for that. So he sits on his balcony, cigarette held tight between his lips as he tries hard to replace the memories of his real day with images of the day he wished he had.

Anything to distract him from the things that occurred today.

But it seems that his mind isn't feeling merciful today, because it starts waltzing towards memories he'd rather forget, memories that bring him nothing but a hollow feeling of guilt. He remembers the days when he was a rookie in the police, when he was a fresh graduate and that he was excited about getting to drive with the sirens on, about having the authority to scold kids who weren't a day younger than him.

He was a smart one; the smartest among the policemen in training, actually. He was very helpful at all times, came up with good strategies during delicate operations, followed the rules and got along with his colleagues. Over the years, he outdid himself to try and get that promotion he'd always dreamed of, but he was new, young and inexperienced, they didn't assign him with operations big enough to get the recognition he needed for that promotion.

So when he got the perfect opportunity... he jumped on it like a starving wolf on a hare.

Seoul, eleven years ago...

"Hey, rookie!"

Namjoon's eyes shoot up from the documents in his hands to look at the woman coming towards him. She's got her dark hair tied up in a neat bun and is dressed in her police uniform. As she approaches Namjoon, she grabs the knot of her necktie and loosens it a bit, relief washing over her expression as she takes a deep breath.

"God, how can you still work during your breaks? When I finally get a moment to relax I don't wanna be anywhere near paperwork," she whines, practically collapsing on the bench next to Namjoon.

"That's because I actually like my job, Jisoo."

"You really want that promotion, don't you?" Jisoo watches as Namjoon takes a drag out of his cigarette. "Mind if I steal one?"

Namjoon hands her the pack and a lighter, eyes sinking back into the files. "Treat yourself."

"Thanks." She lights up the end of the stick, inhales deeply and places the lighter and nearly empty pack of cigarettes on the bench. Gray smoke slips out from between her heart shaped lips as she sighs. "Look, I'm gonna tell you something because I like you and I don't want you to get disappointed. Keep your expectations low, kid. You're fresh out of university, you're young, and as smart as you are, you're too inexperienced to be eligible for such a promotion so soon. Your smarts won't impress our superiors as much as efficiency on the field."

"How am I supposed to gain experience and prove my worth on the field if they don't give me jobs because I'm inexperienced in the first place?"

"I know it's stupid," she chuckles bitterly. "But it's the system."

"Fuck the system." Namjoon realizes his fingers have tensed up around the documents, paper slightly crumpled under the pressure. He tries to relax. "Look, I appreciate your concern, but I've been here for a year and all I've ever done was paperwork... it's just frustrating."

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