✧Chapter One✧

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I have friends, but they ain't the type that I would call real friends, cause they're only my friends because of my status, seeing how my mother remarried to a wealthy man, who enrolled me in one of the top schools here in Belington.

I just sighed, as I covered my face with my arm, at the verge of crying again, just by thinking about my life, it makes me wonder why God gave my mother the gift of life and this is how she's gonna treat me, not like I'm saying I'm a gift to my mother..

It just hurts me to see her not have any love for me or to even keep me away from my father if she has no interest in having a kid in the first place, she should've put me up for adoption along time ago when she had the divorce, cause that's when I started living a nightmare.

I quickly got up from hearing my door swung open, seeing my mother with all her glory, as she was wearing a strapless slim fit black dress complimenting her curves- don't get me wrong, my mother has the body of a super model, even if she's close to her forties, which she only uses to lure hungry men and she married one of them.

“What are you doing still not ready yet?!” My mother scolded me and I just looked at her lost, cause I don't remember her telling me we have some place to go, even if she did I would careless about it.

“Hurry up and get dressed!”.

“Why? When you don't got a daughter!” I yanked my arm away when she tried to pull me to get up, which I know made her pissed.

“Don't start with this bullshit again” She massaged her temples trying to calm her nerves “You're going whether you like it or not!” she said sternly, which I just rolled my eyes.

“Dorothy!” My mother called out to one of our maids, seeing her run right in the room “Yes ma'am”.

“See to it that my daughter here gets dressed and looks presentable for the event we're hosting today” she told Dorothy before leaving my room.

When Dorothy tried to help me to get undressed, I just pulled away “Sorry, I know you're just doing your job, but I can do it myself” I said not intending to sound rude or whatever,but I just wasn't in the mood. I was never in the mood. I left Dorothy alone in my room, as I walked to the bathroom.

While I was in the bathroom, I just looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my eyes still slightly puffy from crying. I sighed when is God gonna take me away... I thought.

Once I was done taking a shower and Dorothy was done making me look presentable for the event that I know nothing about. I just simply went downstairs, seeing my mother and her husband at the bottom of the stairs talking, and once they noticed me, a smile grew on their faces, but I know my mother's own was a fake one and her husband's own was a perverted one.

“Oh, how you're just as beautiful as your own mother” Damian my mother's husband said as he took my hand and gave it a soft kiss, as I tried not to puke my guts out.

“I hope you're as happy as I am for this event your mother and I is hosting” why would I be happy? I thought. I would rather be locked up in my room than to be surrounded by countless people.

“May I ask, what's the event for?” I asked a little curious, but not because I cared.

“You may, we're just hosting a house party, cause your father here” I cringed when my mother referred to Damian as my father “won a big deal for his company and we're celebrating his success” my mother explained with a smile on her face.

“Well, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have you by my side” Damian said as he wrapped his arm around my mother's waist, as they looked at each other lovingly. God, I think I'm gonna puke...

“Oh and I couldn't forget my darling daughter here” He then caught me off guard when he put his arm around me, pulling me close to him “My two beautiful ladies” he said hugging me and my mother, with me feeling so damn uncomfortable and knowing my mother in the other hand is a bit jealous, cause she doesn't like it when Damian shows affection towards me, and believe me I don't care for his affection, cause he's simply a pervert.

How I know? Well, because I sometimes catch him checking me out and it's disgusting.

“Uh..thanks” I untangled myself within Damian's grasp and step back a little “Um..I think I'm gonna get me something to drink” I said and quickly left the two.

I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge, pouring me a glass of lemonade, noticing my mother walking in the kitchen talking to Harold our top chef, seeing him nod and depart from my mother, as she walks towards me, which I knew what was gonna come out of her mouth.

“You better be in your best behavior, you hear me?” My mother scolded, pointing a finger at me.

“Am I ever not?” I answered back sarcastically.

“I mean it Alison” She warned as she walked away, leaving me alone.

When the event started, the house was completely packed, seeing how Damian is pretty darn popular. I literally felt so claustrophobic that I decided to step outside for a bit. I walked over to the garden, hoping to get some peace and quiet, and some time to myself, but as I was nearing the fountain. I heard two people talking, one was a male's voice and the other was a female's voice.

I slowly neared the bushes to hear the voices clearer, realizing who was in the other side. I legit almost choked on my saliva, as I heard my mother talking to the male and it wasn't a friendly conversation at that.

I managed to take a peak without them both noticing, seeing my mother in the other man's embrace, and noticed he was one of Damian's colleagues. I always knew my mother was simply a whore, she doesn't really love anyone, but herself.

“So, when are you gonna ditch Damian and move in with me” when the male said that, all my mother did was laugh.

“Travis, y'know that I'm only with Damian because he's your boss, he owns a popular company and he has enough money to support me and my daughter” She told him. Since when did Satan's wife even care about me?

“Your daughter, eh?” Travis raised an eyebrow, probably thinking the same thing that I was “I never once saw you show that you even have a daughter” He said, which he was right. She treated me like shit and never once treated me like her own daughter.

“Well, I have my reasons” was all she told him and she changed the subject “Now why don't we finish our business before Damian wonders where you and I are” She said before locking lips with Travis.

Before they can go any further, I clumsily knocked down one of the plants, causing the two to pull apart, as they were both surprised to see that I caught them in the act.

“I didn't see anything, I swear” I panicked and just ran off, with my heart racing, knowing damn well my mother is gonna give me a piece of her mind.

My Girlfriend is a VampireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ