Arriving I can tell something is bothering Gavin. “What’s wrong” “It’s a bittersweet day for me.” “Gavin you don’t have to do this.” “Baby it’s not a matter or wants or need this is my choice. I love football but you and the kids that precedence over anything in my life. The first time I played in the NFL I was happy on the field, but soon as I stepped off I was nothing. When you came back into my life everything changed. This is just another change, a welcome change.”
“I just don’t want you to regret the decision to end football.” Gavin laughed. “Sweetheart I get to wake up to you every day with our kids I could not be happier.” I kissed Gavin. “You ready.” “To get you home and take you out that dress, hell yeah.” “Let’s go in,” I said laughing.
Gavin got Sa’vin car seat out and I got her bag. Jonah and Steve walked with the twins. Before we entered the ballroom  Odell, Gwen, Patrick, and Gavin’s parents were all waiting for us. Gavin took Sa’vin out of her car seat which Odell took to hold for us. Slipping my hand in Gavin’s I looked up at him. “You ready.” “I’m ready Mrs. Langford.”
The doors open I was blown away. I never saw so many sportscasters, television personnel, athletes from all sports were standing to their feet applauding us as we walked to our table. After taking our seats a man got up and acknowledged the MC for the evening had an urgent family matter and we would be filling in.

While eating various people came to the podium to wish Gavin well and tell funny stories. When we were done it was the families turn. Patrick went first.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen I am Patrick Blackstone, Gavin’s brother-in-law. I can recall when my mother died Gavin was right their not just for Simone and Jonah but for Odell and I as well. A few days later I was curious as to why he told me how could I not. He went on to say when I meet Mrs. Blackstone she was warm and welcoming but when she talked the importance of love and relationships the wisdom she was passing on he ignored it because he was a teenager and didn’t care but her words came back to haunt him when he got older. I know my mom is looking down and she is proud of you and the man you have become Gavin. Thank you for making my little happy and for giving her the family she deserves. I wish nothing but great things for both for both of you.”
After applause and cheers, Odell and Gwen stepped up.

“Good evening, we are the Blackstone’s. I am Gwen, Gavin’s older sister” Gwen stated. “I am Odell, Simone’s other older brother.” “I am going to speak for both me and my husband. I have known Gavin all of his life.” Gwen said laughing along with the crowd.   
“For as long as I can remember Gavin always had a football in his hands and to see him without one now is different. As much as my brother loved the game he loves his wife and kids more. When Gavin played and was injured he thought his life was over and in shambles, because he could play football any more, however, it all changed when his wife came back into his life bringing their son. You don’t have the same look of despair that you won’t be playing football anymore little brother. It’s filled with hope and joy. Odell and I so proud of you and Simone and we wish continued blessings over yall.  
Gavin’s parents came next. “Gavin, I just want you to know we are proud of you, we love you, and we support you.” Mrs. Langford said. Then moved aside as Jonah, Steve, and the twins went up.  Steve walked up to speak first.
“Good evening, it’s hard to put into words how you feel. You know what you want to say yet you can't say them. When I found out my mom, my biological mom had cancer. Wait yes I have to moms and two dads. How often does that happen a person has two moms or two dads unless their parents are gay or lesbian.” Steve said as the crowd laughed.
“Seriously, when I found out she had cancer I felt helpless and scared. My biological parents informed me I wouldn’t be able to attend college and we had no money for the proper care she needed. The insides of me shattered.  I walked and walked I don’t know how or why but I ended up at Momma L’s mom grave. I asked how did she do it, where did her strength come from during that time. My mom was still alive and I was grieving her loss before she died. I figured if I did it then I wouldn’t consume me later.” Steve took a deep breath with tears forming in his eyes.
“When I got back home my parents told me, my best friend, my older brother parents were here and they said they would take care of all of my mom’s medical bills and to help me go to college.” Steve wiped the fallen tears from his face. “My parents sad all they wanted in return was for my mom to beat cancer and me to graduate college. My mom is cancer-free and I graduated college with honors following in my dad’s footsteps of playing football.” More tears fell from his eyes.
“Daddy, momma it takes special people who become another set of parents to a teenager. There aren’t enough words or ways for me to say thank and how much I love you both. So I hope this will express a fraction of what I am saying. I talk to my parents and they agreed.” Steve pulled papers from the inside of his jacket pocket. “This is an adoption paper, yes even in my twenty’s I’m getting adopted if momma and daddy sign. Nothing will change It will just be more fitting.”
Tears streaming down my face Gavin was fighting his tears back hard. We stood up taken the stage Gavin took out his pen signing then passed it to me and I signed just as quickly. We hugged Steve then took our seats.  As Jonah and Steve help the twins.

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