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Hotch opened his mouth to talk but Rossi outspoke him

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Hotch opened his mouth to talk but Rossi outspoke him. "He likes blondes."

She realized that the only other full breed blonde was JJ and she wasn't apart of the team anymore. "My hair isn't blonde, it's-"

"Can you do it?"

Mara pushed her shoulders back in confidence, looking up at her boss. "I can do it."

Garcia even flew down to help with getting her to look the part. They gathered what the UnSub likes, his comfort zones, and how Mara can catch his attention.

"I can't do this, I can't do this-"

"Tate, snap out of it," Garcia snapped at her. "You are wearing a wig, a hot dress, and red lipstick. You have power. You are a beautiful badass. You are going to bring this man in."

Mara closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "You're right, yes, beautiful badass."

She stood up straight, flicking the hair over her shoulders before walking out to the lobby, where the team waited to brief her.

Morgan grinned and let out a whistle as both Hotch and Rossi chuckled, turning their attention to Reid. His eyes were so wide, everyone was scared they might pop out. His mouth was open in shock at how different she looked. How beautiful and completely badass she was.

"What do you think?" She smiled, spinning around.

"Beautiful." Morgan laughed, tugging the ends of her hair.

She frowned and shoved him lightly, turning her attention to Hotch. "We got a house right in the middle of the comfort zone. We know he's early thirties, he likes to leave a voicemail, he's going to try and contact you."

Mara nodded, loading her gun and putting it in her purse. "I got it."

"Don't blow your cover until we're in there," Hotch said to her. "Unless he advances. If he advances on you, do what you have to."

"Yes, sir."

"We have a car you can take," Hotch handed her the keys. "He's going to find you after night falls, before that, go about a normal life. Where he can follow you. We'll be out on the street, watching everything you do. Keep your mic on."

She nodded, everyone hugging her a wishing her a good luck. Reid smiled down at her. "I'll walk you down."

They both got in the elevator, neither one of them saying anything until they got out to the car she was taking. "What's your name supposed to be?"

"Garcia chose Stephanie Jacobs."

"Average name," Reid shrugged, leaning against the car. "Not average style."

"You like it?" She smiled at him.

"Do I like it?" he chuckled, watching her spin. "One woman should not possess such beauty."

"Don't get all 1920's on me."

"Actually, it's-"

"Shut up and hug me just in case I die." Mara rolled her eyes, opening her arms.

Reid stepped forward and embraced the girl, his head resting on her shoulders as his hands rested on the small of her back. She smiled and closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of his arms wrapped around her.

You never know when the last time you see someone might be.

Mara pulled back, one hand going to his face as she pressed her lips against his cheek. When she pulled back, there was a red imprint of her lipstick on his cheekbone and she smiled and left it there. Reid's cheeks tinted pink, she knew the team would tease him about it.

"Good luck," he mumbled, his eyes flickering down to her lips. "Be careful."

"I will."

He moved from his position and watched her move to the car, opening the door. "Hey, Mara."

She turned around, smiling at she met Reid's eyes. "What?"

"Nothing," he smiled at her. "Just wanted to look at you."

She clutched her chest as the reference to her favorite movie. "A man after my heart."

"See you soon, Mara."

"You too, Doctor Reid."

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