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"Second case actually

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"Second case actually." Reid spoke up as JJ passed out the case files. 

Mara's eyes stuck on Reid for one particular reason: how different he looks. Not just something like a haircut, something different. She wasn't completely done with her profiling classes but it wasn't like she needed it, she could profile anyone

The last time she'd seen him, he was some sort of happy. Content with his work, himself. But now, deep circles underneath his eyes, he wasn't sleeping. She would catch him pressing his fingers into his temple, a headache. His hair was longer since the last time she'd seen him, shiny with grease, unwashed. His clothes were wrinkled, possibly unwashed from the night before.

Either he slept somewhere where he couldn't get a change of clothes or he didn't have the motivation to change his clothes nor get the wrinkles out. It was his eyes that Mara noticed the true change. She vividly could remember the bright brown eyes, they were more of a hazel but now, now they were almost black. They look like they've seen a lot of horrible things. Reid looked up and caught Mara's eyes on him, moving from his clothes to his eyes.

Reid cocked his head to the side and grimaced. She was profiling him. Mara realized Reid had caught her and she tore her eyes away and down to the case file about to be presented.

Mara flipped open the case file, immediately started studying the crime scene photos, looking for something to reveal who this guy is.

"Bend, Oregon. Two victims in the last twelve days," Garcia presented, displayed the pictures on the screen but not looking at them. "First was hit while on a morning jog, Maria Gelgado, 23. The second was a stranded motorist, Shannon Makely, 43."

"And what makes the locals think that they were connected?" Hotch asked.

"Well, for one thing, they were backed over after the initial impact." Garcia replied quickly.

"No accident there," Emily commented. "They matched treads at both scenes."

"Large wheels, all-terrain," Mara commented, rather quietly, not taking his eyes off of the crime scene pictures. "Wounds also indicate a raised bumper, so I'm thinking large SUV or truck. Tires can't be traced back to the model. No witnesses? A hit-and-run is loud, draws attention."

"Both victims were attacked in secluded areas." Morgan answered.

"Serial killers have been known to become rather attached to their vechiles," Reid explained to the team. "Bittaker and Norris even gave theirs a nickname."

Mara chuckled. "Murder Mac."

"That's right." 

Mara continued, eyes stuck on the crime scene pictures per usual. "Bittaker and Norris were sexual sadists. There's no sign of torture here. It sounds like thrill kills. Opportunistic."

"With this type of impact, the vehicle shouldn't be hard to pick out of a lineup." JJ commented.

"Yeah, there would be significant damage to the front end." Morgan replied.

"Somehow, I don't think it's gong to be that easy." Prentiss said.

"Let's hope you're wrong," Hotch said, closing the file and standing up. "Wheels up in thirty."

Mara got up from the table and kept the file in her hand. She had to go back down the her original floor to pick up her go-bag.

They boarded a jet and Mara just looked around in awe at a freaking jet. She was used to traveling in cars everywhere she went, no matter how long it took to get there, it was always a car.

She made herself comfortable on the jet, sitting next to Morgan, the file spread on her lap. "Well, I think it's safe to assume our UnSub is male."

"I agree with you," Hotch said to Mara. "Given what we know about aggressive driving and road rage. And the fact that men have an unnatural bond with their cars."

"I don't know about unnatural," Prentiss said from her seat next to Rossi. "I once dated a guy who washed his car more than he washed his hair."

"A nice car needs love." Rossi replied to Prentiss.

"And a woman doesn't?" Prentiss shot back, a smirk playing on her lips.

"I'm not qualified to answer that." Rossi chuckled, resulting in a laugh from everyone.

"I'm just saying..big car, it's phallic." Prentiss said, steering the conversation back to the case.

"So he's compensating?"

"Or overcompensating."


Everyone shrugged, Mara turning her attention to Reid, who hadn't said a word, only looking over the file. He looked up at the feeling of someone's eyes on him, meeting Mara's.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "If the UnSub sees himself as physically defective, the car not only gives him the power and control he otherwise lacks, but it also serves as a shield."

"A way to avoid physical contact?" Prentiss asked once Reid was finished.

"Power and control, female victims.." Mara trailed off, connecting the dots. "That almost reads like a rape profile."

Reid's eyes widened, looking into Mara's as he figured out a part of the profile. "Vehicular rape."

"Hopefully the crime scenes will tell us more," Hotch spoke quietly. "Reid, Prentiss, and Tate, go to the most recent crime scene. Rossi and Morgan, head to the M.E. to find a connection and JJ and I will head to Bend P.D. and talk to the parents."

Everyone nodded and Mara's eyes continued staring at the pictures, trying to make an unknown connection.

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