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"Sir," Mara knocked on the conference door as they worked their profile, notepad in hang

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"Sir," Mara knocked on the conference door as they worked their profile, notepad in hang. "I created a preliminary profile."

Everyone raised their eyebrows in shock. "You did?"

"I've been studying behavior analysis for a while, I create profiles in any case just to have a layout of who we're looking for," she answered. "Do you mind?"

"Of course not," Agent Rossi replied. "Give us what you've got."

"I was thinking we have a white male, given his shoe prints we've put him at 5'11, 165," Mara confidently said to the BAU team. "Given the maturity of his crimes, I've put him mid-30s to 40s range. Colucci was taken from a primary crime scene and disposed of at the tertiary crime scene four days later. That mean she was held somewhere for at least 3 days."

The team nodded, impressed how a young detective from Texas can create a profile as well as they can.

"This is where my profile gets iffy," she chuckled, continuing. "He's tech savvy. The fliers were made on a computer. And it's probable that he used a device to intercept Enid White's phone call. Witnesses may have seen a white man putting up fliers, but nothing that could actually help us, this leads me to thing that he is exceedingly average. Even in his professional life. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this man and that's why he removes their faces. He wants them to feel like he does: faceless. Not important."

Hotch stepped forward first. "Detective Tate-"

"I know it's not great, it's a rough profile that I was hoping it could help out with yours."

"No, that's not what I was going to say," Hotch said. "This profile is spot on, it's something we would have made ourselves. Excellent work."

Mara bit back a smile. "Thank you, sir."

The rest of the BAU team had went to grab a bite to eat while Reid stayed behind, deep down he was slightly defeated that a small town detective got to the profile before they did. Slightly offended but exceedingly impressed. Mara sat in the same seat at the end of the table, eyes focused on the evidence on the board.

"Do you always do that?" Reid asked her.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Do what?

"I noticed it when we first walked in," he answered. "You stare. At the board. You've been staring for six minutes and fifty-two seconds."

Mara chuckled. "I've always done it. Hoping constant thought on the case will help."

"We've never met anybody that created their own profile," Reid said. "Especially not a female detective in rural Texas. A study in 1980 actually proved that only five perfect of the police officers in the US are female, the percentage even lower for detectives-"

"How do you know this stuff?" Mara asked him. "Are you some kind of genius?"

"I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-" he stopped at Mara's furrowed eyebrows. "But I do have an I.Q. of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute."

𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓳𝓪𝓷𝓮  ➢ 𝓼. 𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓭Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang