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Another few weeks passed, along with many more cases and one event that left the team heartbroken

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Another few weeks passed, along with many more cases and one event that left the team heartbroken.

JJ was promoted to the liaison for the Department of Defense. She didn't want to be promoted but it was above everyone's head, including Strauss'.

Everyone, including Mara and Reid, all shed tears at the parting of their beloved friend and team member.

Things haven't been the same without her but, Mara and Reid were opening up to each other. Reid told Mara about Tobias Hankel and even started opening up about Maeve.

Sometimes, they'd even stay at each other apartments, spending the night watching movies. Reid insisted on watching A Star Is Born multiple nights, for "researching" purposes.

It was his favorite movie and he couldn't even deny it. Mara even picked on him when tears filled his eyes at the tragic ending, even if she had tears in her own.

They were best friends. Reid found someone he could ramble on and on to for hours and she would sit there and listen. It was comforting listening to his voice, even if she had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

When they arrived at work that day, everyone watched as they moved through the bullpen, smiles on their face and bags under their eyes from staying up all night and talking.

They went straight into the conference room as a new case was presented.

"Police in Dyaton, Ohio need our help with a serial rapist." Hotch said to everyone as Garcia prepared to present the case.

"Three months ago, he raped five students at a small bible college," Garcia explained. "Roughly, an attack a week, then suddenly nothing, until nine days ago when he reappeared with a whole new victim pattern."

"Both those women are in their late twenties," Morgan read from the file. "They were raped about five days apart. Where have the new attacks taken place?"

"Opposite ends of the city." Garcia answered.

"He was waiting for them when they got home." Emily said.

"How do we know it's the same guy?" Mara asked once she was done reading over the file.

"He leaves voice mails for them," Hotch said. "Freezing them with fear before they even see him."

"They don't recognize the voice?" Rossi asked.

"Nope," Garcia answered. "Cops even have DNA, but it's just not in the system."

"Why would someone attacking college students suddenly widen his net?" Morgan asked.

"Serial rapists hardly ever change victimology once it's established," Reid said. "It's based on a fantasy that's very specific."

"Maybe he's telling these women that no one's safe."

On the plane, the team went over victimology. "Alicia Jordan, thirty-eight."

"M.O. is the same," Mara explained, reading off her tablet. "He was waiting for her to get home, he broke in through the back, subdued her with a gun."

"Answering machine?"

"Left a message about an hour or so before." Garcia replied.

"Reid and Tate, you go talk to the newest victims," Hotch instructed. "The rest of us will set up at the station."

Reid turned to Mara and let out a smile, Mara returning it. She got up to make them both a cup of coffee, her eyes focused on the cups in front of her.

She stepped backwards, about to move back to her seat but she hit something hard, freezing as coffee lapped over the sides of the mugs.

"Sorry." Reid's hands moved her to hips to steady her, Mara's eyes widening as she suddenly focused on the feeling of his warm fingers on her hips.

Mara set the cups on the counter and turned around to face him, his eyes lifting from her hips to her eyes. She breathed out, watching him bite down on his bottom lip. "Sorry, you scared me."

Reid continued to the bathroom while Mara continued back to her seat, setting Reid's cup in front of his seat. Morgan smirked at the girl, watching her press the back of her cool hands to her red cheeks.

When they landed, Reid and Mara went separate from the team. The sexual tension in the truck was thick. They both tried to make conversation but their conversations were cut short.

When they arrived at the hospital, Reid smirked at the girl in front of her, watching her cheeks tint pink every time she glanced at Reid.

Something had changed between them and Reid noticed. Reid was Mara's best friend but something switched on when his hands touched her hips. A stupid touch was breaking her.

"Alice, we're from the FBI," Mara said, her voice quiet. "I realize you've already spoken to the police, but we're hoping that you could answer a few more questions for us."

"Every time I think it's over, someone else wants to photograph me or touch me or ask me to relive it." She replied, her voice strained.

"We will keep this short, I promise."

She nodded and Reid stepped forward, Mara reaching down and grabbing his hand, stopping him from moving closer. She's a rape victim, she's not going to take well to him.

This time, Mara took the lead. "When the attacks first started, they put guards on all the campus gates on campus. But that man still somehow got into the dorm rooms. Had you noticed anyone new on campus?"

She shook her head. "What about anyone that's suddenly not around anymore?"

"Before that man did what he did, he told me I should get a dog for protection," she said, Mara leaning to meet her eyes. "And then he said or 'maybe you could let your parents have Dexter stay with you.'"

"He talked to me like he knew me, knew who I was."

After they gathered all their information with the victim, they got back to the station and told the team what they learned. It wasn't until late that night when Hotch came up to Mara.

As he talked, her brows furrowed in a mess of confusion and nervousness.

"You want me to go...undercover?"

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