twenty four

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back to ev's pov

a couple minutes after hannah left, i finally gathered the courage to talk to chase again.

"i really think you should do this," payton told me, "i think he's into you."

"are you sure?" i asked

sam and payton nodded at me

"thank you guys, wish me luck" i smiled and slowly got up

i made it to the room, and i knew chase was in there alone. i gently knocked on the large wooden doors.

no answer

i knocked again, "chase, it's ev. i just want to talk"

still no answer

finally, i decided to go in

my jaw dropped, "chase i-" i could feel my voice breaking

zoe was on top of him, with her legs straddled around his waist. her arms were around his neck, and he was holding tightly onto her. their lips were on each others.

chase broke away from zoe and gave me a blank stare

all of a sudden hannah stormed through the other side of the room mad, but when she saw zoe, she had a death stare.

zoe quickly got off of chase. i felt my eyes swell. god how stupid was i to come back. he gave up on me twice.

elmo and anthony soon came in too

"what's going on?" anthony asked. he looked at me confused. i shrugged like i didn't know

hannah walked over to me and rushed me out of the room. we went to the bathroom and i just cried into her arms

"he- he was with h-her" i said trying not to sob

"that son of a bitch" she grabbed paper towels for me

payton and sam came in the bathroom

"so how did it g-" payton saw me and just had a blank stare

"get out" hannah demanded

"wait what happened?" sam asked

"you lied. that's what happened" i snapped


"you told me he liked me. and it took me so long to get the nerve to talk to him, and i just walked in on h-him" i couldn't finish my sentence

"what? what was he doing?" sam asked

"he was w-with z-zoe" i felt more tears streaming down my face

hannah held out her arms and hugged me for a while

payton's pov

zoe? he literally told me yesterday he hated her

i look up at ev, "look, whatever was happening was a mistake. i know it was. i'll make this right"

"thanks payton but you can't change what chase or anthony did," hannah told me, "some things just aren't meant to be."

"no, ev doesn't deserve this, i'm going to go talk with chase about this"

"don't. please" ev pleaded. she finally looked at me

"i'm just going to see what's going on" i told her

"pay-" i walked out the door and jogged down the hall and went to see chase in the main room

i knocked on the door, and there was no answer

"chase, i just want to talk"

"please ev, not right now"

"it's not ev-" i slowly opened the door to see chase leaning against the wall with his face in his hands

"payton" he rubbed his eyes and looked at me

"are you okay?" i asked him

"no." he looked down

"what happened?"

"i fucked up," he said, "thanks bro for coming back to me"

"i'm here for ev," i squatted down next to him, "now please, tell me what happened."

author's note: this literally blew up last night so i had to make another chapter for y'all:))) my sports are starting, and i'm getting busy, but i'm trying to post as much as possible.

40 votes for the next chapter! thank you so much for the endless support

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