037. No Angel

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"Mhm, mhm," she started nodding vigorously. "I'm a night baker, please don't tell the others, they'd think I'm weird. Anyway, see you, okay, bye, have a great night, ta-ta!" she chirped, twisting around in a hurry and burning up with embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Jimin's hand shot forward to grip on hers.

"You can't come here looking like this and expect me to let you get away so easily," the words were breathy, coming out in his gruff, husky voice.

Flustered, Aera took a brief glance at her appearance. Her dress was wrinkled and sticky, courtesy of Meisa who ended up spilling an entire platter of shots on her lap, and she was carrying her own shoes in her hand.

Perhaps she wasn't looking at her best.

She caught his lustful gaze running down to her thighs as he inhaled deeply, clearing his throat.

"God damn," he hissed, bending over and picking her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "You're not baking tonight."

"I'm not?" Aera croaked in a tiny voice, her body hanging limply over his shoulder as he held her tightly. So thrown off guard, she didn't even have time to wrap her arms around his torso and instead just dangled there like laundry.

All of the tequila shots she had made their reappearance as Jimin put her down on the bed. She crossed her legs, pulling the dress down as much as she could, and offered him what she hoped to be a seductive smirk.

"Now what am I going to do with you, Ms. Lee?" he sighed heavily, putting his hands over his hips.

She stared directly into his eyes that now seemed a lot darker. "I don't know, what would you like to do with me, Mr. Park?" she smiled, leaning forward and using a finger to trace the area from his torso down to his belly button, feeling his muscles stiffen under the black t-shirt.

"I have an idea but I feel like I should be scared of you now, you've been quite rebellious lately, picking fights, throwing punches around and whatnot," he grinned, glancing down at her hand that rested against his lower abdomen.

"Oh that," Aera mumbled, feeling how bringing up the confrontation with her brother from earlier that day kind of dampened her mood. "Sorry you had to see this." part of her felt awkward he had witnessed her in such a chaotic rumpus. She had never been a violent person.

Jimin instantly picked up on it, dropping to his knees and separating her crossed legs so that he could stand in between them. She did little to resist him as he traced her lower lip with his thumb, his other fingers cradling her chin.

"Don't make that face," his eyes searched hers as he inched closer, their breaths practically mingling with each other. "For what is worth, can I just say how sexy you looked today?" he purred, his hand migrating upwards from her jaw where his fingers weaved in her hair, massaging her scalp.

"I did?" Aera gaped in disbelief.

"Yes," he breathed out. "You were like one of those fierce spy chicks in that movie."

"What movie?" she scoffed, lips stretching into a smile. "Charlie's Angels?"

"Yeah, that one," he inhaled deeply, sucking on his lower lip, eyes burning through her with heat. "Except you're my angel."

Her hand splayed against his chest, Aera felt his rib cage vibrate with the demanding growl that rumbled from deep within. He gently pushed her body up so that her back was glued to the mattress and he lingered over her.

"You got turned on by that?" a soft chuckle burst through Aera and she felt him tense up, his breathing becoming heavy.

"Mmm," he hummed, his lips traveling to her neck where he flicked his tongue over the skin, earning a sharp inhale from her. "Your skin hot and sweaty, hair messy and disheveled, your breathing ragged as you bite down on your lip. Nothing sexier than that," he whispered. "You're a daring girl, aren't you?" his words were enough to make the hairs on the back of Aera's neck stand up as she was reminded of their night together where he said the exact same thing to her.

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