Chapter- 32 - Angelina

Start from the beginning

"It's amazing, Ethan. I love it." I declare as I look at him. He has his eyes on the bellboy who is too slow to put our luggage in the table just at the end of the bed. I sigh.

I reach him and hold his hand. Our eyes meet and lock. I didn't think I would do this and feel good about it. I don't mean about holding the hand but being all lovey-dovey after stowaway and beach house in Long Island. The way I have flicked my too when he would be watching me, started him purposely like the slut he says and like a darling he makes me feel too; seduced him into making love in the public toilet - history has it that Ethan would be doing that despite being concerned of sanitation; teased him and, at times, see-through him. I am now only concentrating on his good parts and even the bad parts are seeming crazily nothing.

"Here," he says, pulling me towards the curtains. He opens it wide and I see it. Outside the glass window, it feels like there is a whole new world. High rise building meeting the different shades of blue. Down there is the river that is shining in the sun rays like the pearls, showcasing the vibrancy and grandness of it. As waves come hurling towards the beach, the sound of it is like a tune that will overtake the mind but next it inches back much faster than it came as if taunting that even the beauty is untouchable after a time.

"It's so beautiful, Ethan," I say without looking at him but feel him kiss my hand and then pull me into his chest. This is like a condiment to it all. I feel it and I say it. Because I haven't felt anything like it in all these years. The arrival of Ryan was the same at that time but the hole he left in me just erased it all. With Ethan, it's all unbelievable.

"I love you, Ethan. " I say and face him.

He gazes me for while before putting my hair behind my ear and leaning in to kiss me. His lips touch mine softly. His finger runs light on me. And it totally feels different. It has been after stowaway and it's constantly happening just like me. I don't understand it but it is. I can feel it.

He back away and say, " you. You, Angelina Ellsworth, come about really...An angel. " He laughs.

I couldn't stop grinning at it. For the first time him calling me Angel isn't annoying at all.

"Well, I don't have wings."

He grins looking down at our clasped hands, "well, not all angel need wings."

I burst into laughter. My head falls back while he holds it waist and I am grateful that he did else I would fall.

" What's happening to you? " I ask twitching his long pointed nose, "that's unlike The Ethan Ellsworth."

He raises an eyebrow tilting his head to one side, " Is that so?"

I nod at him. He gives me a strong blank expression.

"So Mrs. Ellsworth, how can I be your husband act like Ethan Ellsworth?"

I laugh again.

"Again. Again. It's not like Ethan Ellsworth." I announce. He just rolls his eyes.

"Because Ethan Ellsworth would never entertain his woman twitching his nose like this, " I say twitching his node," and he would never call himself as the third person as you said how can I act like Ethan Ellsworth because he believes there is only one of him. With proud." I shake my head.

He stares me for long before taking his hand away and touching my lips and jaw. It makes me feel amazing yet weird because its Ethan we are talking about. I am almost stopped dead for a moment but collecting myself I continue, " and he would just kiss me, undress me, and do it. That's what he does."

He stops moving his hand over my sensitized skin and says, " you tell what are you doing to me? "

Really? Are you feeling the change too?

Are you feeling that connection - the kind we didn't have earlier?

" Am I? "

He just slugger and kiss me. Within minutes I am off of my clothes on the bed with Ethan on top me, ravaging all coldness in me. We collide skin to skin. Breathing. Panting. Moaning.

"So is it me Now?" Ethan asks lowly just as he took me deep. To my heart. Too rough, yet divine.

It will never be the same.

I simply stare him trying to contain the pleasure and pain altogether while he assaults my senses.

"Ethan," I cry aloud just as I come back and forth from Zen. He lay just above me not trying to ease his weight down upon me but his hand loosens the strong grip that he had while he moved in me. He is so down now.

I just inhale the mix of his apple cider perfume now mixed with our sweat. Moments later he moves and kisses the sides of my neck several times reaching up from my cheek to my head, proceeding down to my nose and later further down to my jaw and demandingly up to my lips. I find it a way of him to show his affection and love for me and at this moment I feel guilty of my motives of marrying him. It turns out to be more than a safe haven to me. Or precisely, whatever it turns out I would like to be in here compiling to the vows we took- for better or worse.

He sits up and get down the bed .bit disappoints me.

"Don't leave the bed just now, Ethan." I panic.

He faces me in ambiguity. The lines on his head disseminate and he knees upon the bed to just above my face.

"Well Ethan Ellsworth leaves a woman on bed to rest for a while and not holds her one hand squeezing his own under the head to rest her in his shoulder, " he says as he put his hand under my hand hold my hand, " and propping on his arms look at her and in between kiss her light and soft. And with another hand, he just..just touches her wherever she likes. Right?"

He raises his brow at me.

"That's appealing. "

"Yeah, but I don't do that, do I?"

" You have been and I like it this way more. " I say. He stares me for long. I guess he was just apprehending the situation in his head.

He leans down and just kisses my head and says, " I need to go. "

It breaks my heart part by part as he skips his hand away but pushes a pillow under. He dresses up brisk.

"I will be back soon. " I nod.

"For the time being you can rest a bit and then have a hot latte which I will order just as you like having an exquisite view from the window, " he motions the window, putting his laptop and phone in a bag.

"I would like that with you more I guess, " I say looking at him.

"Don't worry, we will do a lot more than that. Maybe a sexy shower together after I return in a blink. For another round?" I wink at me coming closer yo me. I reach towards him too.

"And I will try my best to act to your likeness. And not my old self." He whispers pushing my hair back and running his finger over my skin.

I know he can see the jolly in my face because it's really uncontainable right now. So he smiles back assuredly too.

" woman just wait for me." He says before exiting the door.

"This is like it." I smile and start to hum moving my legs on the bed. I can definitely have time to rest and for a latte before another round.

"Perfécto." I chaste in a wired accent before my ring. I bite my nail thinking about my husband after all he can't be away from me for a minute. It's him I can tell.

I jump down and run to my phone on the table. I take my phone and look at the screen. My jolly is terribly invaded with just a look at it. Even in a second, my thoughts run miles and I decern I am uncertain. With just one look.

It's not Ethan. It's him.


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