Chapter Seventeen

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It's the next day and Bakugo just woke up. The events that occurred yesterday didn't escape his mind at all. He fell asleep, crying, on todoroki, but he doesn't remember how he got back home. He picked up his phone to see that is was 7am. Notifications from all of his classmates asking if he was doing okay and all of that, But one did stick out to him.

2m Dunce face🙄
You can go and visit Kirishima now. The rest of us already did. I didn't want to wake you up since I know you really needed to rest.

A smile slowly came up to Bakugo's face.

Just now To dunce face🙄
Yeah, thanks. Im going to head there now. Thanks Kaminari.

Kaminari read it quickly and already started typing.

Just now dunce face🙄
I Cha cha real smoothed my way here so quick when I saw "Kaminari" And you're welcome

Katsuki chuckled. "That idiot." He turned off his phone and got up off his bed with a sigh. He wanted to get to Kirishima as soon as possible.. so that's what he did.

He got up and ran in the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and ran out, not even thinking about getting in the shower. 

"Katsuki chill the fuck out! It's seven in the goddamn morning!" Mitsuki, his mother, yelled.

"Sorry, I'm in a rush. I'll be back to eat breakfast." He hopped around with one shoe on while trying to put the other one on. When he got the shoe on he went to the table, grabbed his house key, his phone, and left the house.

~~~ ye~~~

Katsuki parked his car and walked into the hospital. He walked up to the lady at the front desk.

"Hey uhm. I'm here to see Eijiro Kirishima."  The lady typed quickly on the keyboard.

"Are you related to him or-

"He's my boyfriend." Katsuki answered quickly. He just wanted to see his boyfriend.

The lady's eyes widen. "Aw that's so cute! He's on the third floor. Room C56" She gave him a visitor pass.

"Thank you!" Bakugo went to the elevator and pressed the up button. When the elevator opened he got in quickly and pressed the number three on the side. He waited as it closed and waited as it went up.

When it opened he walked out. He followed the signs and walked. When he finally arrived he stood in front of the door.

He looked down and prayed to whoever was listening that Kirishima was well. He touched the doorknob and went in.

He saw Kirishima sitting up with small smile on his face. He probably didn't heard Bakugo come in since he was still looking out of the window. He closed the door and Kiri snapped his head to Bakugo direction.

"Ah, Katsuki!" He had his arms out with a toothy grin on his face, waiting for his hug, and Bakugo revived. He ran up to him and hugged him like no tomorrow.

"You're such a fucking Idiot!" Katsuki said with his face pressed on his lovers shoulder.

Kirishima chuckled and slowly pushed Katsuki away. "I'm sorry. It's just the thoughts we're getting to me, babe. I didn't know what to do. I was scared to go to anyone.. even you. I was scared you were going to brush me off or not even listen to what I have to say." Kirishima's eyes started to water. "I was just stuck, Katsuki.

"Hey, Hey, it's okay. Don't cry. I know you were scared and all, but just hearing that makes me think you don't trust me that well."

Kirishima's head shot up quick and he grabbed his lovers hand. "No way! I trust you, one hundred percent! It's just my thoughts got the best of me, I'm very sorry if I hurt you in any type of way."

"I mean you did scare the shit out of me when you fucking jumped." Katsuki grinned.

Ejirou smiled a little. "Yeah.. you know I'm going to have to get therapy, right? I don't want to talk to a stranger about my feelings."

Katsuki let out a laugh. "Do anything it takes to get better, Ei. I want to see you happy again." Kirishima couldn't help but smile. Katsuki put his hand on his waist and leaned in.

The kiss they made was almost like a pinky promise. A promise that Kirishima will try his hardest to get better. Not just for Katsuki, but for all of his friends and loved ones.

Unless something... happened....

Next time on 'Falling Slowly"
'The Epilogue'

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