Chapter One

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It all started when he died. My dad. Makoro Kirishima. He was the highlight of my life. He was always taking me places when I was younger, he was amazing. He was the best dad I ever had. We never got into a fight, we always smiled, never a frown on our faces. That's what I thought at least. My dad came home from work with the biggest smile on his, talking about how he got a Good job that can get him some good money. I was proud of him. Was. That job killed my dad. He had to deliver a package to this really big company that makes games or whatever. On his way there he was crossing the train tracks and his car broke down right then and There. Just his luck. I didn't know what else happened since i wasn't their, but according to the officers the train was coming as soon as he opened the door, since he was in shock he just sat their and let it happen.

Almost like he wanted it to happen.

Like a suicide.

That happened six years ago, and I'm 16 years old now, moving to a whole new town. I'm going to this school called U.A high. I heard it was one of the highest ranked schools in the country. It's most known for the happiest kids or whatever. From what I heard most of the kids in the school are really nice and easy to get along with. I might not fit in really well since my depression always gets in the way. I guess I have to put on the 'mask' that's always floating over my head, begging for me to put it on. We'll see how it goes.

The sounding of my alarm woke me up out of my consciousness. I woke up to the sun shining on my face, cussing under my breath seeing how bright it is.

I sat up in my bed waiting for the blur to leave me eyes. When I got my vision back I looked at the time seeing that I had an hour to get ready, so I took my sweet time.

At this school there weren't any uniforms, so I just decided to go with a white shit, a plaid red shirt wrapped around my waist, blue jeans, and some white converses to top it off. I didn't bother to take a shower since I took one yesterday.

I walked in my bathroom, turning to the mirror making sure I looked okay. I went to touch my hair, but the few scars on my wrist caught my attention.

Maybe I should wrap it up and if anyone asks I'll just say I'm doing a bad boy look, I guess. I said to myself. I started looking for some bandages. I looked under the sink, found a first aid kit and grabbed it. I opened the box to see a ball made out of bandages, waiting to be unraveled. I unraveled it slowly and cut the part i wanted it to end. I placed my arm above the bandage and started to wrap my arm. When i was finished I got a scrunchy and put my hair in a messy bun.

I went downstairs to be greeted by my really, happy mother. Every-time it's my first day of school she's always smiling. Is she happy that I'm going to be out of the house for a few hours or she's a good mom? I'll never ask anyway.

"Good morning, Eijiro! I made you some breakfast, so come and sit down." She said with the brightest smile she had. It's a little annoying sometimes, but once again, I wouldn't say that out loud.

"Good morning, ma. Thanks for the breakfast." I said not to excitedly but a little smile on my face just to make her happy. I sat down at the table, looking over the food I might throw up later. It's good and all but I like the satisfaction of throwing it up. It makes me feel like I achieved something.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Im an addict. And my addiction is throwing up the food I eat. I love the soreness that lingers in my throat when I'm done. But of course I'm not telling my mom about this 'addiction' I have. Never.

I finished my breakfast without realizing it. I went to the sink, rinsed off my plate, and placed it in the dishwasher. I checked the time to see I have 15 minutes to spare. The walk is only 5 minutes so I'll be fine.

Falling Slowly (bakushima) ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant