Chapter Two

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School was easier than I thought. At school I met some of Mina's friends at lunch, which was super cool! They were so cool to hang around with, they get me, they made me feel like I actually existed. It feels nice.

That bakugo kid is apart of our little squad too. I'm Ecstatic! Since he's here I get to hang out with him more, maybe I can get a chance with him. Maybe. I don't know why I'm getting my hopes up. Why would he like me? I'm lame. I have no chance with this guy, or any guy a matter of fact.

I'm gonna be a loner forever, huh?

Sucks to be you.

what do you want, Justin?

I'm just curious how my depressed Kirishima is.

perfectly fine.

If your so fine go and do your daily activity.

yes sir.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I look at the toilet shaking, scared of what's going to happen. I get to the toilet, slightly hesitant to do so, but I remember how good it feels. I stick my fingers down my throat as far as it can go. When I reached my limit, I kept pushing my fingers deeper and deeper until I'm satisfied. I yanked my hand out my mouth as soon as my stomach was starting to hurt. Seconds later I can feel the liquid beginning to rise up. I started gagging so I can make the process faster. I soon as I feel it on my tongue I threw it all up. I see all the breakfast I ate in the toilet, it's beautiful. I keep throwing up until the soreness is in my throat, making me moan in pleasure. I love the feeling so much.

I love the feeling of pain.

Yeah you guessed it! I'm an masochist. I love the feeling of pain, it turns me on just thinking about it. That's another reason why I cut myself. The way the blade cuts on my skin brings shivers down my spine, it's everything I can ask for. I know I sound insane, but there are worst people I met who are just like me.

After I was done vomiting, I head to the kitchen to drink some water, unfortunately. If I don't drink water now, Im going to have a whole erection in the morning.

Finishing my cup of water, I suddenly get a 'ding' from my phone. I open my phone to find that I have a message from 'The Bakusquad!' I click on the group chat to see Mina Typing something.

Pinky(Mina): do you guys want to hang out at the arcade for a while? I'm boredddd!!!

Inyourmom(Denki): Sure, anybody else want to join us?

Fuck u(bakugo): yea, whatever.

Imtracer(Sero): I'm in!!!!

Well this seems like fun. I've never been to an arcade with friends, so this might be a little different from usual. I look at the time to see it's 4:26PM. I'll ask my mom since she should be on her way.

Weprotect(Kirishima): Yeah, i got nothing better to do.

Pinky(Mina) alrighty then! I'll see you guys around 6:15. Don't be late!!! I'm out.

Pinky leaves chat room...

I know that I have an hour or so, but I'm really nervous. I'm scared if something bad happens or I might say something to ruin the mood. Speaking of talking, my breath smells like shit.

I walk into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I look down to see the bandages on my arm, still looking the same since I put them on in the morning.

Maybe I should keep it on since no one said anything in school. I say in my thoughts. Maybe i should wear something else to impress bakugo, but nothing flashy.

I open my wardrobe and start to search for something casual. My hand stopped at something white. I pulled it out the closet to find a White Supreme hoodie. I didn't buy it, of course. I got it for my birthday. I ain't got that much money on me. Looking at the hoodie in my hand deciding if I should wear it or not. Perfect.

I go to my dresser to look for some specific pants that will make this outfit golden. I spot the jeans I was looking for. The pants were black and had ripped parts where the Knees were. I look to the left to see my white Jordan's.

I put the outfit on, seeing how I looked. I mean the outfit is good but I don't know about me. I try to smile in the mirror, but it looks to fake. Maybe it's my hair. It's still in the same messy bun as before. Maybe I should spike it up like a did two weeks ago.

I open my drawer and get the really good gel I use to spike my hair up. That's probably my favorite hair style since it distracts people from looking at my smile. Before I open it I wet my hair a little, so it can be less hard. I open the gel, put a lot , but not a lot to make my hair hard as rocks, but So much that my hair can stay up for a while.


After binge watching anime for a while I got up to get something to drink. I go to the refrigerator and get out a sprite. I open it and start chugging. In the corner of my eye I can see the microwave in view. I look at the time and it reads 6:05 PM.

Wait!! What!?!

I spit out my drink and ran out the kitchen as fast as possible. Before I leave I tell my mom I'm leaving, of course. If she didn't she'll kill my ass for not saying anything.

When I'm at least five blocks from my house I start to slow down since I'm so out of shape. Good thing I put my hair up today, I would've been sweating so hard by now.

Time goes by and I finally make it to the arcade. I open the door, getting a very cool breeze on my face. I look around to see if I can find my friends anywhere. Maybe I should text them.

Weprotect(Kirishima): where you guys at?

Pinky(Mina) We are at the bowling spot. Hurry up!!! Your three minutes late!!

I look at the time to see if im actually late. I am. I rush down the colorful pathway that leads to the bowling alley. When I reach it I spot the pink haired girl and everyone else. I look at Mina again and she has this adorable pout on her face which means she's probably mad that I'm late. Mine as well not make her wait any longer.

"Hey guys! Sorry that I'm la—" I was interrupted when Mina cut me off.

"Yeah you better be! I said don't be late, kiri." She said crossing her arms, with the same pout on her lips, looking the other way. "Betrayed!!" Mina says over dramatically, putting her hand on her head, adding more affect.

"Top ten anime betrayals." Denki said. Sero spitted his drink out and started laughing, then we all started laughing too.

I glanced at bakugo to see him smiling which makes me smile. He looks at me and we make eye contact for the longest. Just staring In each others eyes, not bothered by the music in the background at all. His eyes were brighter than me and looked alive. I could see a little spark in his eyes that makes me fall for him more.

"Y'all cute or whatever." Mina says recording us while zooming in and out over and over again. Kaminari and Sero were just making kissy faces over our way.

Sero brought out his phone and started recording to. "Baku and kiri laying in the bed. F.U.C.K.I—"

"Shut it, Soy Sauce Face!" Bakugo yells, getting up and started to chase Sero around.

This was going good so far as I kinda expected to go.

But why did it have to escalate so quick?

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