Chapter Four

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"Think of it as a date~" Bakugo says in a half joking tone. "I'm joking, so stop with the face, shitty hair." Bakugo chuckles lightly.

Tch, asshole."yeah, I k-knew that." I lied. How the hell was I supposed to know that was a lie. He looked honest to me. I'm so dumb, I can't even tell if he's joking or not. Ugh.

We walked in silence half way there until Bakugo spoke up. "So.. Tell me about yourself." He said, shifting his gaze at me. I hated when he did that. His eyes are so lively and mine are just.


"Well, my favorite color is red, I like drawing, My pet peeve is bad breath, what I don't like is having bad breath. You should take notes." I joked. He let out a husky laugh that had may or may not have turned me on a little. That was sexy as fuck!

He looked at me then says: "why should I take notes?"

"Because I will be extremely pissed if you came up to me with stank ass breath." I said honestly, letting out a laugh.

He let out a laugh as well. "I guess I should take notes, but I can't imagine someone as nice as you lash out on me." He nudge me a little.

"Pfft! Since I'm nice that doesn't mean that I don't have a bad side, idiot." I replied to the ash blonde.

He looked at me almost a little to confused. "I thought only the nicest people didn't have a dark side." He said honestly. I looked him in the eye to see any sign of sarcasm.

He's actually being serious.

"That's a stereotype, you asshole!!!!"

———-time skip to restaurant.————

We arrived at this place that Bakugo recommend and when I say the outside was big I mean the same height as UA! This plays screams 'rich people only.' This place was created by the richest family around here, The Todoroki's. They have a few other stuff around here as well, but this place is the smallest building they own. I don't even believe it, but it's true. Of all places, why did Bakugo want to  go here. I don't have the money.

I turned to Bakugo with a questioning look. "Bakugo we cannot eat here." I said, spinning on my heels to turn back around. Suddenly I felt a hand on my wrist. Bakugo pulled me back, making our faces centimeters apart.

"I'm paying so It doesn't matter." He says in an irritated like voice. "Plus it's not as expensive as you think, the most expensive food here is about 1050 yen."

Excuse me. What!!!!!?! "There is no way in hell we are eating he-" Bakugo puts his finger on my lips.

"To late." He starts dragging me in the restaurant. Even if I tried to get out of his grip he'll probably be really pissed, so I might as well give in.

As soon as we walked in we were greeted by a Adorable pale girl, white hair with a little bit of red in it. She looks oddly familiar.

"Hello! Welcome to Endeavor's." She says as energetic as possible.

Before Bakugo could say anything I decided to say something before he says something that can get us kicked out. "Hey, can we get a table for two, please." I said as nicest as possible. I looked to my right to see Bakugo giving me one of his 'famous glares.'

Falling Slowly (bakushima) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin