Chapter Eight

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As Kirishima and Bakugo entered the house, they took their shoes off by the front door. When Eijiro took off his shoes he looked up to see how beautiful and neat Bakugo's house was. It left his mouth agape.

Bakugo looks at Kirishima in a state of confusion and chuckles. "You're such an idiot." Bakugo ruffles his hair, making it messier than it already was.

Kirishima never really took the little insults Bakugo would throw at him seriously. It didn't seem like Bakugo actually meant what he said to Kirishima, so all he do is brush it off with a simple laugh and keeps going. Kirishima knows deep down, somewhere, that Bakugo has a little soft spot, but just likes to act all tough to make you believe that he's not some person to hangout with just for the kicks, but make him look like he's always above you. Kirishima never really had a problem about how Bakugo has a big ego. In Kirishima's eyes he thinks that it's just Bakugo being Bakugo.

Bakugo uses his hand as a signal to follow him. "Your room is this way." Bakugo says casually. Kirishima looked confused and a little upset that he had to get a room by himself.

Kirishima stopped Bakugo before he could even turn around. "Wait." He said with a firm grip on the blondes wrist. Bakugo had the cockiest grin on his face, already knowing what kirishima is going to say. "C-can I sleep with y-you tonight, Bakugo." Eijiro said using his free hand to mess around with the hem of his shirt.

Bakugo takes Kirishima's hand off of his wrist and intertwined it with his. "You should've said so." He dragged his lover all the way to his room, which is upstairs, and closed the door behind him quickly. He took two of Kirishima's already bruised wrist and pinned them above his head.

Bakugo smirked. "Holy shit, you're fucking adorable." Bakugo leaned in and pressed his lips against Kirishima's hungrily. Kirishima smiled into the kiss and kissed him back even harder.

Bakugo places two of his hands on Kirishima's butt and pushed him up. Kirishima locked his legs around Bakugo's waist, making the kiss even more heated.

Kirishima didn't want to have sex with Bakugo when they didn't even confirm their relationship, plus they don't know a lot about each other, Kirishima does not want this relationship to be rushed.

Kirishima hesitantly pulled his lips away from the ash blonde. "B-bakugo? shouldn't we wait a little longer until we...Y'know.." Kirishima muttered, only audible for Bakugo to hear.

Bakugo looked at Kirishima a little confused. He wasn't trying to have sex with him right away, he just wanted to have a little make out session with his boyfriend. boyfriend? The way Bakugo said It in his mind made him blush a tint pink.

Bakugo lifted up Kirishima a little bit more and made his way to the bed.  Kirishima started to think that he wasn't listening to him and he was gonna do him right here, right now. Kirishima didn't want that.

Bakugo groans. "No, Kiri. We're not having sex. I just want to kiss you a little, babe." Bakugo said kissing the red heads jawline. Kirishima smiled gently at the love and affection Bakugo was giving him. He never seen this side of Bakugo, and he'll be the only one to see this side of him. That made Kirishima even more happier.

Bakugo liked giving Kirishima affection since its been awhile since someone actually gave him a hug. His mom gives him hugs, but Bakugo wants to give Kirishima something that he always wanted.


Bakugo could just look Kirishima in the eyes and tell that he doesn't get a lot of compliments, hugs, friends, or even a little smile to brighten his day. Bakugo really wants to change Kirishima for the better, and on the way maybe Kirishima can help Bakugo with his "Anger issues"

Bakugo cuffed Kirishima's cheeks with his hands. "You're amazing, Eijiro." Bakugo said leaning upwards to kirishima since he was on top of him. kirishima had the brightest, most beautiful smile on his face, and Bakugo took in every feature of that. They both knew it was the right moment, so they both kissed passionately. Both of them wanted it to last forever and ever, but of course, someone always ruined it.

"Katsuki! Did you bring the boy back!" Bakugo's mom yelled from in the kitchen. She had just gotten back from the grocery store with a few bags in her hand. Bakugo's mom, Mitsuki, was told this information when she was about to head out for a late night shop at the grocery store. Bakugo came running down the stairs with curse words flooding out of his mouth. Mitsuki stopped him since he looked like he was in such a rush. He told her what was going on, so Mitsuki did the next best thing and let Kirishima stay at their home for awhile, and now we're here.

Bakugo broke from the kiss and chuckled gently. "I guess it's time for you to meet my mom." he lifts kirishima off of him and stands up. Bakugo holds both of his hands out. "I can tell you're nervous." Bakugo smirks.

Kirishima blushes in embarrassment. "Of course I am! I feel like she's not going to like me." He says taking Bakugo's hands and putting his head down in shame.

Bakugo places his index finger on Kirishima's chin, lifting it up in the process.. "You'll be fine just be yourself, Okay?" Katsuki gives him one last kiss, for now,  and lifts kirishima up on his feet. "Let's go."

They walk downstairs to see Bakugo's mom doing the dishes, humming a song that Kirishima recognizes. "How am I suppose to make you feel okay?" Kirishima sings out loud. "When all you do is walk the other way." Bakugo turns to Kirishima with a shocked looked on his face.

Mitsuki applauses Kirishima. "Ouu! You have a good voice there, kid." She smiles. The lady in front of Kirishima looked young and beautiful. Her and Katsuki looked JUST alike, you can mistake them for siblings. "Hey, I'm Mitsuki, This brats mom, and you are?" she said with enthusiasm.

To be honest, I was panicking, so I let the words flow out of my mouth like a waterfall, and I regret it. "H-Hi! I'm Bakugo's husband!" I said as quickly as I could. Shit. Bakugo was in a blushing mess, and Mitsuki was laughing.

When everything calmed down she finally replied. "No way, Katsuki! You're dating this guy? I love him already!" She laughs some more.

Bakugo stiffed up. "We haven't made it official yet, so calm your tits, Hag." he said looking away. Bakugo came out to his mom on mistake. One day they were coming back from Mitsuki's sisters house and Mitsuki needed directions back, so she asked Katsuki to read the directions out loud for her. He was doing just fine until he told her to "keep going straight" then he said something like: "Straight? I'm to fucking gay for this." Mitsuki slammed the breaks on the car and yelled at him for saying something out of the blue like that. After that Bakugo has been feeling like a ton of bricks were lifted off of his chest .

kirishima nods beside Bakugo. "sorry for my little outburst there, heh." Kirishima apologizes.

Mitsuki looks over at him and smiles brightly. "Don't worry about it, cutie. you don't have to get all nervous around me." She puts him in a headlock and starts playing with his hair.

Boo hoo! I wish Katsuki married this adorable dog dressed up as a human.


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