"Okay class I'm Mrs. Haos. And this will be your homeroom for the rest of the year. And just to make it easier to call on people and to do roll call. The place you are sitting in is you're new assigned seat, now don't start complaining because you chose these seats." She said calmly.

    No one complained, but all of the girls and some of the guys were either glaring at, or look sorry for me. What the hell ?

     "So, I don't want you guys to write a report or give a presentation, but just get to know the person next to you." She said looking at everyone.

    Then the class became loud with chatter. I tuned to the boy sitting next to me. He was still wearing his black hood, and some earphones were dangling down his neck.

              Did he even hear what  Mrs. Haos said?

I cleared my throat, then again louder but the he just l keeps looking at the desk. And they say Americans are rude!

   I looked up at the clock and saw that there was only twenty minutes left.

    I sighed, "Oh my gosh," Then I extended my hand to nudge his sholder, but he moved at the last second and stood up causing his hood to fall. That's when I realized who this guy was. Eliot fucking Nolan.

      " Haven't you ever been told to keep you hands to your self?" He said annoyed looking down at me. He paused thinking about something. "I'm not some piece of meat you know." He said with no emotion.

    The students sitting close to us snickered.

                                Are you serious?

"I- I was trying to get your attention. Yo- you were listening to music so I-" I was stuttering. I never stutter.   

      "You were trying to get my attention? Well join the club, so is every other girl at the school." He said raising both his hands for emphasis.

     That was what broke me out of my trance. I suddenly remembered who he was, and what he did. No matter how good looking he is, I won't let him get away with braking my phone. The cocky bastered thinks he's God!  "Look Nolan, I was trying to do as the teacher said but you wouldn't know that would you? Because you were busy trying to be cool." I said angrily.

    He looked confused, then looked at the bord to see the assignment that was written.

                     Get to know your seat partner

He looked back at me sheepishly, then kicked the ground. He sat down and looked at his hands.

    " I didn't see that." He said looking up at me apalageticaly. I rolled my eyes, "idot" I said under my breath.   "Hey-"   he started but was cut off by Mrs. Haos. "Alright class that's about enough time to know a thing or two about  your seat partner. There is about five minutes left so get ready to leave."

    Yeah, my seat partner is a phycopath who goes around braking phones and acting like God.

  "Look Rosalinda-"  "It's Rose!" I said harshly. I already tried to be friendly but look how that turned out.

    "Rose,"He said tentatively " I- I'm sorry about yesterday, and for being rude just now." He says quietly so no one but me can hear him.

  I rolled my eyes, then chuckled. "Yup, you must be totally sorry. If you were really sorry you would fix my phone." I spat out at him.

    He winced, "look it just," he sighed "It's just-" Then he was cut off by the bell ringing.

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